
Occupation forces attack Qalqiliya and Bethlehem and call for strike after three Palestinians martyred in Hebron

Israeli occupation forces carried out new attacks on towns on Saturday morning bank of the westHours earlier, three Palestinians died in a settlement near Hebron.

An Israeli special forces raided Qalqiliya in the northern West Bank and raided a house in the city's Safiri neighborhood on the pretext that a hunted Palestinian was hiding inside.

During the operation, the occupying forces sent additional military reinforcements to the city, attacking it from the northern and eastern axes and extending throughout the neighbourhood.

Activists reported that occupying forces withdrew from Qalqilya shortly after failing to arrest a persecuted Palestinian.

Palestinian sources reported that Israeli special forces raided the homes of persecuted Palestinians.

Sources said young people in the Qalqiliya city's Kaf Saba neighborhood set fire to rubber tires while resisting the Israeli invasion.

Occupation forces also attacked the town of Azu, east of Qalqilya, according to activists.

Al Jazeera reporters reported that Israeli troops attacked the city of Bethlehem, and local Palestinian platforms broadcast scenes of the attack.

Activists also reported that Israeli forces raided the area at dawn today The town of Edna, west of Hebron.

At dawn yesterday, the Israeli army carried out an attack on Tulkarem (north of the West Bank) and its two camps. The young Khalid Ahmed Zubaidi (19 years old) was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers. Beaten to death. Zeita village in the north of the city.

Since the start of the Palestinian resistance process al aqsa floods On October 7, the Israeli army escalated its attacks on the West Bank. This resulted in the martyrdom of more than 340 Palestinians and approximately 6,000 detainees.

Operation Hebron

Meanwhile, Palestinian news websites reported from local sources in the town of “Idna” west of Hebron that the town's national and Islamic forces called for a general strike today, Saturday, to mourn the deaths of people in the town of “Idna” Three martyrs. Adora” settlement, located in the northwest of the city.

An Israeli military statement said security forces killed three Palestinian militants in a firefight after infiltrating settlements.

Two Israelis were injured in the exchange of fire, Israel Broadcasting Corporation reported.

On the other hand, sources from the families of the three martyrs denied any connection with the armed actions that took place at the same time in their settlements.

The three martyrs were cousins ​​who collected iron and often passed through settlement roads, the source said, noting that they were killed by security guards at the entrance to the settlement because they suspected them.

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