
Occupation intensifies incursion into West Bank and leads to violent clashes with resistance fighters news

Today, Saturday, Palestinians were shot dead and others arrested during a new invasion by Israeli occupation forces. bank of the west Violent clashes with resistance fighters occurred in the occupied territories.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that clashes broke out in the towns of Bala and Anabta east of Tulkarem in the northern West Bank, resulting in six Palestinians being wounded by bullets from the Israeli occupying forces, one of whom was seriously injured.

The Red Crescent added that most of the injuries in both towns were caused by live ammunition.

Local sources said occupation forces raided the neighborhoods, deployed there to arrest what they called wanted criminals, and were stationed in the center of Barra town, where confrontations broke out among Palestinians in the face of the invasion. Soldiers destroyed and burned a commercial store and fired sonic bombs before withdrawing from the area.

Al Jazeera reporters also reported that Israeli forces attacked the Shweika suburb of Tulkarem from the west gate of the separation wall.

Also in the northern West Bank, Israeli forces raided the city of Qalqilya for the second time today at dawn, attacking several neighborhoods in the city.

violent conflict

Not far from Qalqiliya, occupying forces attacked the Old City of Nablus and its surrounding areas, with Al Jazeera reporters reporting that violent clashes broke out between occupying forces and Palestinian resistance fighters trying to counter the attack. .

Two months after a university professor was held in an occupied prison, troops withdrew from the city after destroying the professor's printing press.

Less than half an hour after retreating, it returned and stormed the city, heading towards the Old City.

In Jenin, Al Jazeera reporters reported that Palestinian resistance fighters opened fire at the Jarrama military checkpoint north of the city, also in the northern West Bank.

The raid also included the occupied towns of Qatana and Qubaiba northwest of Jerusalem. Occupying forces arrested some young men and armed confrontations broke out with Palestinian resistance fighters. The forces continued to besiege several neighborhoods under the pretext of searches. For wanted criminals.

aim ambulance

In Hebron in the southern West Bank, the Israeli incursion targeted the town of Baninaim, where Israeli soldiers raided and searched houses.

Occupation forces attacked the city of Doura and the Samoud Hill area of ​​Massa Fiyata, south of Hebron, and opened fire on an ambulance belonging to the People's Service Committee of Arub camp in the north of the city.

The new round of Israeli incursions comes against the backdrop of an ongoing escalation in the situation in the West Bank since the resistance movement launched the Al-Aqsa Flood campaign on October 7.

It is worth noting that since the beginning of 2024, 326 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli army and settler bullets, including 7 martyrs.

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