
Outraged and calls on Israel to ban news showing scenes of Hamas’ treatment of detainees


Israeli analysts have made no secret of their outrage at scenes of exchanges of detainees and prisoners between members of Israel. Qassam BrigadeThe military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation) and Israel, and their dissatisfaction with the kindness shown to Israeli detainees and their captors during their handover to ICRC staff. Gaza.

This goodwill was reflected in the wave of farewells during the handover, which appeared in many video clips of the handover broadcast by Hamas and received coverage in the past few days by international media, including Israeli media.

Israeli media quoted family members of some of the detainees released by Hamas as saying that their families had been treated well while in detention and had not been subjected to any torture or ill-treatment.

Israeli analysts believed the video footage of the handover of detainees “showed the humanity of Hamas fighters”, fueling their anger and opposition to its broadcast.

Political analyst Yariv Peleg confirmed in an article in the right-wing newspaper Israel Today that “the broadcasting of these scenes on Israeli television is harmful to the state and cannot be broadcast.”

The humanity of the “killer”

“It started on Friday, the first day the hostages were released, and continued every day since, as Hamas professionally and accurately broadcast the footage using two to three cameras, including an unmanned aerial vehicle,” Pelegue said. The video footage was shot with a camera, and the effects were good. The lighting and the sets. “Everything was organized and shot to show the humanity of the killer to the world,” he said.

The political analyst called on Israeli TV channels not to broadcast the scenes, “which were broadcast live on Arab TV and covered the handover of Israeli prisoners to the Red Cross in Gaza.”

Israeli political analyst Maya Lake also opposed the broadcast of the videos, saying in an article published in Haaretz on Sunday that “many pro-Palestinian influencers and social media users — most of whom are not in Israel and Palestine — It happens every night until the discovery of the hostage handover.” Hamas Fighters, a heart-warming public performance. “

She cited video footage that the Israeli media has been criticized for airing, including a video clip released on Saturday showing an Israeli girl named Maya Regev responding while being released from prison by Hamas. One of the gunmen in the movement, the gunman waved to her and said, “Goodbye, Maya,” to which she replied, “Thank you.” “

Israeli authorities block release of detainees… provisional armistice After being detained for weeks, they were unable to speak to the media and only their relatives and close friends were allowed to see or talk to them.

It is worth noting that a four-day humanitarian truce between Hamas and Israel began on November 24 and was later extended for two days, including the exchange of prisoners and the delivery of humanitarian aid to all areas of Israel. Gaza is home to approximately 2.3 million Palestinians.

Over the course of five days since last Friday, Israel has taken in 60 women and children detainees in exchange for the release of 180 Palestinian prisoners, women and children also held in occupation prisons.

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