
for “violating her rights.”A Tunisian opposition figure begins hunger strike by jailing her

Free Terturian Party president Abir Mousi began a hunger strike in prison yesterday, Tuesday, to protest “the violation of her rights to freedom, political activity and intellectual belonging,” her lawyer said.

Abir Moussa was arrested at the entrance to the presidential palace last month on suspicion of “an attack intended to change the fabric of the country and create chaos,” and a judge ordered her jailed as part of a campaign begun this year by the authorities against Opposition politicians.

Mousi’s party had previously warned of “attempts to erect legal obstacles to prevent her from participating in the presidential election expected next year.”

Mousi’s lawyer said in a statement that her hunger strike, which will last 16 days, coincides with Tunisia’s international campaign to combat violence against women.

They added that the leaders of the Free Constitution party will send an urgent communication to all regional and international institutions that have reached agreements with the Tunisian government to expose the violations suffered in Tunisia and denounce the current decline in women’s rights in Tunisia.

Tunisian police arrested more than 20 prominent politicians, some of whom were accused of conspiring to endanger national security.

Tunisian President Description Keith Said Those arrested as “terrorists, traitors and criminals”.

Saied was elected president in 2019 and shut down the elected parliament in 2021 and came to power by decree. His opponents called the measures a coup, but he rejected them and said his steps were legal.

The Free Teturian Party has organized protests against President Saied in recent months, with party leader Abir Mousi accusing him of declaring his rule illegitimate.

Abeer Moussa was a supporter of late President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who was ousted in 2011 amid mass protests. uprising It later spread throughout the Middle East and became known as the “Arab Spring.”

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