
Palestinian women… The burden of burden and the weight of information | Opinion


Quite simply, she is the mistress of women on earth. She is a school that has graduated heroes, teachers, engineers, doctors, workers and before that, resistance fighters. She has made history in the past and she is making history now and in the future.

Its originality is reflected in the roots of its olive trees and its historic mountains. In fact, this is history itself. She was the virgin chosen by God, and she carried the Word of God in her womb.

She is the patient mother of the martyrs, she is the key to Jerusalem and its light, she is mother, sister, prisoner, martyr and companion… She is the whole of life.

Men's clothing factory

The history of Palestine is filled with the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation and the establishment of an independent state. In the course of this history, there are thousands of martyrs, wounded and captive women. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is at the forefront of sacrifices in the battle of “Aqsa Flood”. According to “Aqsa Flood”, the number of martyrs so far has exceeded 20,000, most of them women and children. Approved international statistics.

It is the factory of masculinity that births resistance fighters and martyrs and raises them with pride and dignity. She is the sister who supports the Palestinian fighters, she is the patient, struggling, supportive lover and wife who is the first spark that breaks out in the face of the enemy, fighting alongside them. The struggle against occupation.

Palestinian women were clearly involved in the first popular revolution against the British Mandate – 40,000 citizens demonstrated in the streets of Jerusalem on February 27, 1920 – which is why they participated in the delegation that met the High Commissioner; demanding the cancellation of Balfour declaration”.

political and social struggles

Palestinian women played an important role in the process of the liberation struggle. The first Palestinian Women's League was founded in 1921, led by Zulekha Al-Shihabi, one of the most prominent figures in Arab and Palestinian women's work. Declaration of the founding of the Zionist occupation entity some twenty years ago. The Shehabi movement marked a long phase of Palestinian national action that did not end with participation in the founding of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the 1960s, but with expulsion from Jerusalem following its occupation in 1968.

It was the League that, in the period after its creation, worked hard to expand its women's base, organize committees and unite women's efforts in developing women's social and political struggles. Opposed the British Mandate and opposed the Zionist solution.

In 1929, the League held the first Palestinian Women's Conference, attended by 300 representatives from all regions of Palestine. The conference adopted multiple resolutions, including correspondence with international powers, calling for an end to the injustices inflicted on citizens by Zionist immigration and oppression of Palestinians. British mandate. Several protests and demonstrations were organized against the British High Commissioner; demanding the cancellation of the Balfour Declaration, a march of 80 cars slowly passed through all consular centers in Europe.

fight the occupiers

In the 1960s, Palestinian women were among the first fighters to participate in the struggle against the occupiers by land, sea and air. The martyr Dalal Mughrabi wrote the most wonderful heroic epic. She declared “our first independent republic.” Occupy the land for three hours” Shadia Abu Ghazalah was the first Palestinian martyr after this setback. And Laila Khaled said to Moshe Dayan when she hijacked the first plane. This is my land. “There, Palestinian women have carried out various forms of struggle under occupation, siege, displacement, oppression and racism, and the international community has remained silent.

In the military sphere, urban women carried small arms from one place to another through checkpoints, while rural women rode donkeys and mules to deliver clothing, supplies, and ammunition to revolutionaries in the mountains.

The Arab women of Palestine took to the battlefields early and set the most wonderful example of bravery and sacrifice. Among examples of heroism we mention the martyr Fatima al-Ghazal, who was martyred on June 26, 1936 in the battle of Wadi al-Zoon near the Palestinian city. Oh, God.

mass strike

This is history from before the occupation entity was declared. As for our recent history, we can recall the martyr Reem Saleh Al-Riyashi of the Zaytouna neighborhood of Gaza City, daughter of the Qassam Brigade and mother of two children, one of whom was a baby and another in Erez The fact that he blew himself up at a gathering of occupation officers at a border crossing is just one example, but it is certainly not limited to this.

As for prisoner movement, there is no shortage of Palestinian female prisoners in Israeli-occupied prisons. They struggled inside and outside the prison after being imprisoned. We cannot forget the large-scale hunger strike organized by Palestinian female prisoners in April 1970 for nine consecutive days. Protests have continued to this day after demanding an end to beatings and violence against them inside prisons, especially solitary confinement.

Khaleda Jalal – a famous leader of the Popular Front – is considered the most famous female prisoner. Because she would not leave her solitary confinement cell in an exchange agreement, nor end her unjust sentence, or unjust administrative detention, until the occupation returned her to captivity again.

In addition, women who were unable to participate in direct struggle work had other jobs that influenced the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and trained generations of people who knew the meaning of their homeland and took up the cause of its defense. It is represented by the mother, wife and grandmother, who are the protectors of the family in the absence of the father and husband, whether he is a prisoner or a martyr. She carries and transmits the story and the story of the motherland. From generation to generation, this land will not be forgotten, and the struggle and persistence to return to the truth will continue. This has been the case since the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1948.

sacrifice and perseverance

In the battle for the “Aqsa Flood” – the ongoing campaign of genocide faced by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – observers cannot ignore the role scenes of Palestinian women as they engage in doing whatever they can to support the fighters and fight for their Unwavering provision, whether she is a mother, wife or sister, whether she is a doctor treating the wounded or a volunteer helping those affected by genocidal wars and wars blatantly targeting civilians; knowing that she has a family who looks after her affairs, or There is a reporter who stands in front of the enemy and covers the scene in one of the hottest and most difficult places on earth, and she faces the risk of being targeted and killed every day, just like everyone in the Gaza Strip right now.

The Zionist enemies cannot weaken the resolve of Palestinian women. Despite the killings, demolitions and spate of arrests, the heroic deeds and stories of women and girls who sacrificed themselves to immortalize their names will live on.

Although monitoring events is difficult, we have now discovered through her personal accounts on social media platforms that she transmits everything large and small in foreign languages. To enlighten Arab and international public opinion by highlighting the massacre that the Palestinian people are experiencing.

Sometimes we find her a patient mother whose faith reached the sky, mourning her children, and other times she was a doctor and caregiver who refused to leave the wounded and take charge. It was she who completed her work after learning of the martyrdom of her family. Be patient and considerate. She is a Palestinian woman who is simply considered the successor of the Virgin Mary, Lady of the Women of the Earth.

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