
Palestinians chase away German diplomat (VIDEOS) — RT World News

Ambassador Oliver Ofka was forced to flee during his visit to a university in the West Bank

The German ambassador to the Palestinian Authority was chased and forced to flee by an angry crowd during a visit to Birzeit University in the West Bank. Media reports indicate that the students targeted the diplomat because of his country's support for Israel in the war against Hamas.

Video footage of the incident posted on social media shows Ambassador Oliver Ofka quickly walking to his car as protesters followed and harassed him on Tuesday. Another clip shows a crowd surrounding Owcza's SUV, kicking it, ripping off a side mirror and throwing objects as it drives away.

Owcza was among a group of European envoys who “attacked” While attending a meeting at the Palestinian National Museum, located on the Birzeit University campus north of Ramallah, according to the Jerusalem Post. Many of the ambassadors' cars were damaged, including at least one car whose rear window was smashed.

One diplomat told Reuters that a crowd appeared outside the meeting, demanding that the envoys leave. He said that attempts to talk to the demonstrators failed, and the visitors were forced to flee. He added that no one was hurt or seriously threatened.

Germany has historically supported Israel politically and militarily. The Israeli army buys a large portion of its weapons from Berlin. However, German leaders criticized Israeli policies and provided more than 1 billion euros ($1.07 billion) in aid to the Palestinian Authority. They defended Palestinian rights and pushed for a two-state peace agreement.

Amr Kayed, a student at Birzeit University, was quoted as saying that EU diplomats had to leave because of this. “Everyone who participated in the genocide and attack on Gaza.” Not welcome at school.

Owcza downplayed the incident, saying in an X (formerly Twitter) post that “Peaceful protest and dialogue always have their place.” he added, “We regret that today’s meeting of EU Heads of Mission at the National Museum in Birzeit was unjustifiably interrupted by demonstrators. However, we remain committed to working constructively with our Palestinian partners.”wipe up

More than 34,000 Palestinians were killed in Gaza as the war between Israel and Hamas enters its seventh month next week. The fighting erupted after an October 7 Hamas raid on southern Israel, which left about 1,200 people dead and more than 200 taken to Gaza.

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