
Report reveals number of Biden gaffes — RT World News

The Daily Caller says White House staff have corrected the US president's public statements nearly 150 times so far this year.

An analysis of White House transcripts showed that US President Joe Biden made so many errors in his public statements this year alone that his aides had to correct him at least 148 times.

The review, conducted by the conservative news site The Daily Caller and published Monday, found that Biden recorded nearly 1.3 gaffes per day in 2024. The analysis included 118 statements, speeches and press briefings for which White House transcripts were released. Such transcripts are released every time the president makes public statements or takes questions from reporters, and White House staff correct erroneous notes.

The Daily Caller said the revisions ranged from correcting Biden's factual errors, to adding words he should have included, to completely changing the meaning of his comments. Errors in the text, such as crossing out the wrong word and adding the correct word in parentheses, are noted.

For example, when Biden said “All American” He should have said he voted against the American Rescue Plan “Every Republican.” In another case, he said the threat to democracy must be “defend” When it was the right word “Defeated.” The text of just one speech — Biden's State of the Union address last month — contains 13 corrections.

The factual errors included claims that 720 million Americans — more than twice the country's population — had received COVID-19 vaccines. When Biden referred to a woman from Georgia who was killed by an illegal immigrant, amid pressure from Republicans to do so “Say her name” He called her “Lincoln” Instead of her proper name, Lakin. He also referred to the elderly with “Disabilities” As the elderly with “Diabetes.”

The Daily Caller said it did not account for many corrections that did not change the meaning of Biden's comments, such as the addition of a phrase “s” At the end of the name or add a word necessary for clarity. It also did not include substitutions that were not clearly identified in the texts or errors that were apparently covered up.

For example, while giving a speech last week at a conference in Washington, Biden appeared to read the teleprompter's instructions aloud. “Imagine what we can do next.” he said, urging voters to re-elect him in November. “Four more years, stop.” The original White House text did not include this word “Stop,” He told the Daily Caller. It was later updated to include the error.

Biden's repeated mental lapses have raised questions about his fitness for office as he seeks a second four-year term. He is already classified as the oldest president in American history, as he is 81 years old, and he will be 86 years old at the end of his second term. A New York Times poll conducted last month showed that 72% of American voters, including more than half of Democrats, agreed that Biden is too old to be an effective president.

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