
Putin won’t be allowed to ‘dictate peace terms’ in Ukraine – Germany — RT World News

Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Russia was making a mistake if it bet that Berlin would eventually stop supporting Kiev

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has vowed that Germany will not allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to forcefully change Ukraine's borders or impose peace terms.

He added: “We will not accept a peace imposed at the expense of Ukraine.” Scholz told German lawmakers on Wednesday in Berlin. “The law is stronger than violence.” He added that Putin sought to violate this principle by launching the Russian military operation against Ukraine in February 2022. “We won't let him get away with this.” He said.

Schulz insisted that Germany's support for Ukraine in the conflict with Moscow would not abate and that it would come as a surprise to expect otherwise. “Misjudgment.”

He repeated his criticism of Putin's re-election last weekend for a fifth term as president, saying it showed that “Russia is not strong.”

However, as EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell acknowledged in an interview on Wednesday, European allies will face intense pressure to plug the funding gap if Washington, Kiev's biggest backer, reduces its support. The administration of US President Joe Biden exhausted funding allocated to Ukraine in January, and is struggling to obtain Congressional approval for additional military and financial aid worth more than $60 billion.

Schulz made his comments as he prepared for the European Union summit, which is scheduled to start on Thursday in Brussels. Key topics of discussion will include efforts to increase aid to Ukraine, as well as the bloc's response to the war between Israel and Hamas. Russian forces have made ground gains in recent weeks, and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned on Tuesday that Ukraine's very survival would be at risk if the West failed to provide more weapons to Kiev.

Even as he presses allies for more aid for Ukraine, Schulz has resisted political pressure to supply long-range Taurus missiles to Kiev, saying such an escalation could drag Germany into direct conflict with Russia. Speaking before the Bundestag on Wednesday, he told lawmakers that debate within Germany over the Taurus issue was inevitable “Nothing short of ridiculous.” He added that the controversy is not well understood outside Germany, saying: “This is embarrassing for us as a country.”

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