
Report: Israel’s Gaza war bill could hit $48 billion | Economy

An Israeli financial advisory firm predicted today Thursday that war will occur in the Gaza Strip Gaza This could cost the Israeli economy $48 billion this year and in coming years, Anadolu Agency reported.

Leader Capital Markets said in a report that Israel is likely to bear two-thirds of the total cost of the war, while the United States will pay for the rest in the form of military aid.

The $48 billion estimate is lower than previous estimates, including a recent announcement by the Israeli National Economic Council (Government) in a report that the war’s cost to the Israeli economy could reach 200 billion shekels ($54 billion).

Last October, the Israeli Finance Ministry estimated that the war would cost the economy $270 million per day, noting that the end of the war did not mean the losses would stop.

Data from Leader Capital Markets means the Israeli government will have to borrow again to get through “the worst armed conflict in half a century,” as Bloomberg described Thursday.

Bloomberg quoted Yali Rotenberg, the Israeli finance ministry’s chief accountant, as saying: “We are moving forward with the base case, which means months of fighting, and we have created additional buffers… We have the ability to provide Funding State”.

Although the government has issued international bonds through private placements through Wall Street banks such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc., it still relies on local markets to absorb much of its financing needs.

In fact, the Treasury has sold 18.7 billion shekels of local bonds since October 7 last year, while the average monthly issuance volume last month was just over 5 billion shekels.

Today, Thursday, the Israeli occupation forces said they launched airstrikes against what Israel called “300 targets.” Gaza Strip In the past 24 hours, Palestinian resistance groups announced fierce clashes with occupation soldiers on the advance front line in the northern Gaza Strip.

Since October 7 last year, the Israeli occupying forces have continued their devastating war in Gaza, killing at least 14,532 Palestinian martyrs, including more than 6,000 children and 4,000 women, and injuring more than 35,000 people.

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