
Retired Israeli top official weighs in on Gaza future

Eitan Dangote, former coordinator of the Palestinian territories, said that the authorities in the West Bank must replace Hamas

It would be in Israel’s interest for a Palestinian administration from the West Bank to fill the void left by Hamas in Gaza, if the IDF succeeds in defeating the militant group, a former senior Israeli official told RT Arabic. Eitan Dangote, who served as Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, also claimed that there are some terrorism hotspots in the West Bank as well.

During his appearance on Newsmaker on Monday, Dangote said that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s response to Hamas’ attack on Israel last month stripped him of power. “The right to be our partner.” However, the former Israeli official expressed hope that this would happen “New numbers” From that side, he will come to rule Gaza as soon as the Israeli military operation ends.

Dangote acknowledged that Israel had made a number of mistakes in its relations with the Palestinian Authority in the past, but noted that these mistakes could still be corrected in the future. What Israel will need is a A new policy towards the Palestinian Authority The former government coordinator explained.

Speaking about the recent military operations carried out by Israeli forces in the West Bank, he described the area as: “A very sensitive area” Its northern section was also transformed “One of the main capitals of terrorism.”

The former Israeli government coordinator singled out the city of Jenin, which the Palestinian administration lost control over a long time ago, he said.

Dangote went on to claim that the city has now been overrun by Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters, who appear to have joined forces with some Fatah elements.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that US officials are discussing with Israel a scenario under which thousands of Hamas activists would be given free passage from blockaded Gaza and move elsewhere.

According to the media, the plan dates back to a similar arrangement that put an end to the Israeli siege of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, in 1982, and witnessed the transfer of PLO fighters to other countries.

Meanwhile, the Times of Israel claimed that the Israeli government had for years informally viewed Hamas as a useful counterweight to the Palestinian administration, which is largely represented by Fatah.

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