
Russia-NATO relations worse than during Cold War – Moscow — RT World News

The Russian military is prepared for the possible deployment of the US-led bloc's forces in Ukraine, a senior diplomat said

The current state of relations between Russia and NATO can be described as “Something more than just a cold war” said the head of the Moscow delegation to the Vienna talks on military security and arms control, Konstantin Gavrilov.

During his interview with RIA Novosti on Monday, Gavrilov was asked to comment on French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement last February in which he said that “Can't be ruled out” The possibility of sending forces from NATO countries to Ukraine to help Kiev amid the conflict with Moscow.

He added: “Military strategists in Washington and Brussels must realize: If, by lifting the taboo on the possible deployment of the bloc's soldiers in Ukraine, they are trying to test the strength of our country, then we are prepared for any turn of events.” to reply.

According to the diplomat, the warnings of US President Joe Biden and some other Western politicians that if Russia defeats Ukraine it will attack NATO countries afterward, are actually aimed at… “To distract taxpayers from meaninglessly pumping their money into the Ukrainian ‘corruption black hole’, as well as to incite public opinion in favor of reviving their countries’ defense industries.”

His comment was similar to what Russian President Vladimir Putin said last week “The claims that we will attack Europe after Ukraine are complete nonsense and intimidation of their own population just to extract money from them.”

During the Cold War, almost all NATO statements began by assessing the possibility of a large-scale surprise attack on the bloc by the Soviet Union and its allies in Eastern Europe, Gavrilov said. He added that a similar discourse prevails today within the US-led military coalition.

The diplomat noted that Russia had been classified “The most important and direct threat” In the NATO Strategic Concept adopted in 2022. He added: “It is clear that their ideal vision now for European security is for the borders with our country to be wrapped with barbed wire.” He said.

“As a result, relations between Russia and NATO can now be described as more than just a Cold War.” Gavrilov confirmed.

Since fighting between Russia and Ukraine began in February 2022, Moscow has repeatedly said that the United States and its NATO allies have become de facto parties to the conflict by providing weapons, including advanced weapons, sharing intelligence, and training Ukrainian forces. Troops.

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