
Sanctions against Russia are ‘impoverishing EU’ – French MEP —World News

Thierry Mariani said that the restrictions imposed on Moscow had backfired on the countries that imposed them

French MEP Thierry Mariani told TVLibertes (TVL) that Western sanctions against Russia ultimately harmed the countries that imposed them.

In an interview broadcast on Saturday, Mariani said the sanctions were intended to do just that “He destroys” Russian economy however “On the contrary, they impoverish us.”

The MEP pointed to the pressure on the EU economy, saying he was surprised by French President Emmanuel Macron’s positive stance on the bloc’s potential expansion.

Countries hoping to join the European Union must meet the so-called “Copenhagen Criteria,” a set of rules that include acceptance of all EU legislation, a functioning market economy, the rule of law, and stable democracy.

Ukraine and Georgia

are among several countries keen to join the European Union. However, Ukraine’s rampant corruption has raised concerns among its biggest patron, the United States. In a document outlining future cooperation with Kiev issued earlier this year, Washington stated this “The political control exercised by the oligarchs who have emerged since Ukraine’s independence has fueled a system of corruption and anti-democratic tendencies.”

Mariani told TVL that he expects the financial burden will fall on countries like France or Germany to deal with the issues that accompany the accession of new members to the European Union. The MEP also said that joining NATO or the EU would not necessarily be the best way for Ukraine to ensure its security.

The Russian economy appears to have adapted to the sanctions imposed since the beginning of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. The Russian Ministry of Finance and the European Commission forecast positive trends for GDP for this year, predicting growth of 3% and 2%, respectively.

The European Union is currently discussing the twelfth round of sanctions against Moscow, which will likely include a ban on Russian diamonds and personal restrictions on relatives of the political leadership. However, the talks were reported to have stalled due to Hungary’s intention to veto the package.

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