
Scholz weighs in on Ukraine peace talks — RT World News

The German Chancellor said that security advisors from several countries are examining ways to begin the process of ending the conflict.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that senior officials from several countries are holding non-public talks to resolve the Ukrainian conflict. But the Kremlin does not participate in those consultations, according to its spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

In an interview with the daily Markische Allgemeine on Thursday, the German leader was asked about the prospects of settling hostilities or at least freezing them, and he responded by saying: “There have always been mediation initiatives.”

He specifically referred to direct talks between Moscow and Kiev early in the conflict that collapsed in the spring of 2022. Russia said that while the negotiations — centered around Ukraine's neutrality — made some initial progress, Kiev decided to abandon them on the advice of Moscow. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who recommended that Ukraine continue fighting. Johnson has denied the allegation.

Schulz also claimed there had been a dialogue about the security of Russia's Zaporozhye nuclear power plant – which Moscow said had been the subject of Ukrainian attacks – and a prisoner exchange that saw hundreds of soldiers from both sides return home.

Moreover, the advisor continued, He added: “A number of countries, including Ukraine, are currently discussing at the level of security advisors what something that could lead to a peace process might look like.”

However, Schulz emphasized this “Peace is possible at any time” If Russia withdraws its forces from the territories that Ukraine claims belong to it. Moscow insists that it is open to talks with Kiev on the condition that it acknowledges the reality on the ground. However, President Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree banning talks with the current Russian leadership after four former Ukrainian regions voted overwhelmingly to join Russia in the fall of 2022.

In response to Schulz's statements, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov indicated that Russian officials were not present in the aforementioned negotiations at the level of security advisors. He also noted that the Chancellor's statement “It does not change the essence of current events.” Recalling that Germany remains one of the most prominent supporters of Kiev.

Peskov noted that while EU countries differ in opinion about the depth of their involvement in the Ukrainian crisis, He added: “This does not change the prevailing approach in Europe, which requires Ukraine to fight to the last Ukrainian.”

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