
US didn’t share full intelligence on Moscow terror attack – NYT — RT World News

Sources told the newspaper that the “adversarial relationship” between Washington and Russia prevented full disclosure of what it knew

The New York Times claimed that mistrust between the United States and Russia prevented Washington from sharing all the intelligence it had about an impending terrorist attack in Moscow.

Four gunmen carried out one of the bloodiest massacres in Russian history last Friday when they opened fire on a large concert outside the capital before setting the building on fire. More than 140 people were killed in the attack.

Earlier in March, the US Embassy in Moscow issued a warning to US citizens about a possible attack. Separately, a non-public letter was sent to Russian security officials. Alexander Bortnikov, head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), described what happened as… “His nature is general” When the public was briefed on the investigation on Tuesday.

“The adversarial relationship between Washington and Moscow prevented US officials from sharing any information about the plot beyond what was necessary.” The Times said. The Americans allegedly concealed the information “Out of fear that Russian authorities might know its sources or intelligence methods.” He Said.

In the public warning dated March 7, the embassy said the threat was severe over the next 48 hours. The newspaper said it was “It is unclear whether US intelligence mistimed the attack or whether the extremists delayed their plan after seeing the heightened security measures.”

President Vladimir Putin described the perpetrators as Islamic extremists, after they were arrested in a Russian region on the border with Ukraine. They were allegedly recruited through an online chat operated on behalf of ISIS-K, an Afghanistan-based branch of the once-powerful terrorist group Islamic State (ISIS, formerly ISIS).

Washington blamed the mass murder on ISIS-K, which claimed responsibility for it. However, Russian officials have argued that another party, such as Ukrainian intelligence services, may have masterminded the plot.

Some Russian media suggested that terrorists had initially planned an earlier attack on Crocus City Hall. On March 10, the venue hosted a concert by the eponymous Shaman artist “Supporter of Putin” By critics of the Russian leader because of the nationalist lyrics in some of his songs.

It appears that one of the perpetrators was photographed in the building on March 7, according to a photo published by Russian media. Security at the concert hall was reportedly tightened in the days following the US warning.

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