
White House comments on Ukraine involvement in Moscow terror attack — RT World News

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Monday that there was no evidence of Ukrainian government involvement in the Crocus City massacre.

More than 130 people were killed at the concert venue northwest of Moscow on Friday evening, when a number of gunmen began shooting into the crowd and then set the hall on fire. A terrorist group calling itself Islamic State in Khorasan (ISIS-K) has claimed responsibility.

“ISIS bears the sole responsibility here, the sole responsibility.” Jean-Pierre insisted. “[Russian President Vladimir] Putin realizes this. We shared that with their government. “There is therefore no evidence, whatsoever, that Ukraine was involved there.”

Jean-Pierre specifically pointed to the March 7 public warning, which warned Americans in Russia to stay away from concert venues due to the threat of attacks by… “Extremists.” She added that the Russian government had also been informed of this, but did not answer how to do so.

Russian security services have arrested four perpetrators of the Crocus City Hall massacre, as well as seven of their suspected accomplices. The men were identified as ethnic Tajiks.

He added, “This attack was carried out by Islamic extremists.” Putin said at a meeting with law enforcement officials on Monday evening. But we know who carried out the attack. “We want to know who ordered this.”

The Russian president pointed to the fact that the suspects were driving towards Ukraine after fleeing Moscow, and that these atrocities directly serve the goals of the government in Kiev.

He added: “These atrocities may be just one link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014, using the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev as their plot.” Putin said. “The Nazis, as is known, never hesitated to use the most dirty and inhuman means to achieve their goals.”

Mikhail Podlyak, senior aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Argue That Kyiv “He has no connection to this incident.”

But earlier on Monday, the head of the Ukrainian Security Service, Vasily Malyuk, announced, He got the credit For a series of attacks on Russian civilian infrastructure, including the Crimean Bridge and oil refineries. Meanwhile, a popular restaurant was unveiled in Kiev List of fried foods Dubbed “Saffron City” In what appears to be a mockery of those who died in the fire set by the terrorists.

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