
West has lied about Moscow terrorist attack – British MP — RT World News

George Galloway said that Washington and London were quick to blame the Islamists

The claim by the US, UK and their Western allies that the deadly terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall outside Moscow was carried out by the Islamic State (ISIS, formerly ISIS) was most likely a presumption. “to lie,” British MP George Galloway said on Sunday.

On his show “The Mother of All Talk Shows” (MOATS), he questioned the narrative promoted by Washington and its allies immediately after four gunmen stormed the concert venue outside the Russian capital, killing more than 130 people and wounding more than 180 others.

Moscow has not yet commented on the possible organizers or their motives following the terrorist act.

John Kirby, spokesman for the US National Security Council, who commented on the tragedy immediately after the attack, said that Washington watched “No signal” That the Ukrainians are involved. Later, some Western media, including Reuters and CNN, reported that ISIS had claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack.

“When the US, UK and others quickly tried to reassure me that it was only ISIS [that] “This mass murder was carried out in Moscow, and I automatically knew they were lying.” Galloway said.

Then he pointed to what he called suspicious “Unjustified” Activities of some Western politicians and officials, including Kirby's statement.

The British lawmaker drew special attention to the fact that the American official confirmed that Washington called on its citizens to stay away from crowded places in Moscow until the beginning of March.

Kirby said the US Embassy in Russia issued a security alert on March 7, warning about this “Extremists” They were planning an imminent attack on Moscow. He still denies having anything to do with last Friday's attack. “I don't think it's related to this particular attack.” He said.

Galloway also pointed to the fact that former US President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to Downing Street just days before the Moscow attack. “No one, no one explained the unannounced visit.” He said.

British media reported at the time of the visit that the former US leader discussed a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during an hour-long meeting. “Courtesy visit.”

Another incident mentioned by Galloway involved US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, who made some promises “Beautiful surprises on the battlefield” For Moscow this year. “Ukraine will have some very strong success.” she said in January, without offering any further comments on the issue.

Galloway cited these facts as “clues” He suggests that “The United States, its NATO allies and their proxy servant… [the] The state of Ukraine… were actually responsible for this mass murder.”

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