
Houthis launch ‘complex’ missile attack — RT World News

The Houthis in Yemen launched dozens of missiles and drones towards shipping lanes in the Red Sea in one of the group's largest attacks to date. The Pentagon described the attack as a “complicated” operation, but claimed to have repelled the strikes.

US Central Command, which oversees operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, announced the attempted attack on Tuesday, saying several anti-ship missiles and drones had been launched. “From the areas controlled by the Houthis in Yemen to the southern Red Sea.”

The US Central Command continued that 18 unidirectional attack drones, two cruise missiles and one ballistic missile were shot down by US F-18 aircraft and a number of US and British warships stationed in the region. “No injuries or damage were reported.”

The barrage of missiles and drones marks the 26th Houthi attack on commercial shipping lanes in the Red Sea since November 19, according to the US command. The armed group, which controls large swaths of Yemen, has vowed to intensify its operations in the wake of the Israeli attack on Gaza, which began in response to a deadly terror attack by Hamas late last year.

In November, the Houthis announced the closure of all ships “affiliated with the Israeli enemy or dealing with it” May become “legitimate goals” Following Israeli retaliatory raids on Gaza, he was later released Dramatic shots It shows fighters seizing a ship allegedly linked to the Jewish state. Subsequent reports indicate that the ship was operated by a Japanese company, flying the Bahamas flag and carrying an international crew, but partly owned by Israeli businessman Rami Ungar.

US military sources reported by CNN confirmed that three US destroyers helped neutralize Houthi missiles on Tuesday, but estimated the total number of missiles shot down at 24. It is still unclear whether they were launched at the same time or from the same location, Although the name of one of them was not mentioned. Additional details will be shared as they become available, the official said.

The Houthis have not yet commented on the latest attack in an official statement, but an unnamed military official from the group told Al Jazeera that its forces “An Israeli ship was targeted in the Red Sea.” Do not provide any details.

The Red Sea serves as a major transit hub for petroleum products in the region, with approximately 10% of global oil trade and an estimated $1 trillion in goods passing through the narrow Bab el-Mandeb Strait each year.

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