
Single EU army unrealistic – Borrell — RT World News

The top diplomat said the bloc should aim to create a “European pillar within NATO”.

The EU must increase its military strength and internal cooperation, but that does not mean it should aspire to a single army, said Josep Borrell, the EU's top diplomat.

In an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Monday, the foreign policy official insisted there was a solution 'Strong consensus' Among EU members on strengthening the bloc's defense capabilities, both with regard to the military industry and the armed forces.

“It is not about creating a unified European army.” Borrell said, adding that all 27 EU members are free to decide their defense policies.

Instead, the militaries of EU member states must be “More interactive” In order to strengthen the bloc's defense, the diplomat said.

“They have to create a European pillar within NATO. The Europeans must take more responsibility for our defence.” Borrell stated that this includes strengthening a close partnership with the United States within NATO.

“We have to increase our military capabilities… but it is illogical to think that we will abolish the twenty-seven armies to create one army. What we have to do is be more realistic.” Burrell said. He added that the bloc is well aware of the harsh realities of the modern world and is preparing accordingly.

In January, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani publicly supported the creation of a joint European army, an idea that had been discussed for several years, arguing that force could be used for peacekeeping missions and conflict prevention.

But the proposal was met with resistance from several EU members, including Denmark and Poland. Copenhagen has argued so “NATO is the cornerstone of our collective security.” This defense remains a matter of national sovereignty. Warsaw insisted that EU defense actions should complement NATO efforts.

Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, EU member states have dramatically increased defense spending, with plans to increase it to 350 billion euros ($380 billion) in 2024. In recent weeks, several Western leaders have also called on the bloc to prepare for nuclear war. A full-scale war with Russia, which they claim may break out within the next few years.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow has no plans or interest at all in attacking NATO countries. But Moscow has expressed concern for years about the expansion of the US-led military bloc towards its borders.

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