
Russian ambassador ignores EU state’s summons — RT World News

Warsaw claimed that a Russian projectile violated Polish airspace, but refused to provide evidence, according to the diplomat

The Polish Foreign Ministry summoned Russian Ambassador Sergei Andreev over other allegations “Missile Incident” But the diplomat decided that such a meeting would be meaningless as long as Warsaw refused to support its repeated accusations with factual data.

The Polish military claimed Sunday that a Russian air-launched cruise missile briefly entered the country's airspace for about 40 seconds at 4:23 a.m. near the southeastern village of Ocerdo. Warsaw said it would do so “Request clarification” From Moscow.

“This morning I was invited to the Polish Foreign Ministry to meet with one of the deputy ministers.” Andreev told Sputnik on Monday. The Russian ambassador indicated that Warsaw had previously made similar accusations, and that Moscow was still waiting for any evidence to support those allegations.

“Since I understood from the response of my Polish colleagues that there would be no evidence this time either, I decided that in this case the meeting would be meaningless and I declined the invitation.” Andreev stated.

The Russian Defense Ministry stated during a press conference on Sunday that its warplanes carried out strikes on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, but did not comment on the Polish allegations.

On December 29, Poland claimed that a Russian missile briefly entered the country's airspace before veering back over Ukrainian territory. At the time, the Russian Chargé d'Affaires made this claim “Unfounded” Adding that Poland will not receive any explanations until it provides evidence.

Russia was initially blamed for a similar incident in November 2022, but Polish investigators concluded in September 2023 that the projectile that struck the border town of Przevodov, killing two farmers, was actually a stray Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky initially blamed the incident on Russia and demanded a response from NATO, before leaders of the US-led military bloc publicly declared that the missile was Ukrainian.

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