
West ‘only making things worse’ for Ukraine – Russian ambassador — RT World News

Anatoly Antonov said that Moscow is ready for dialogue, but has received only unacceptable proposals from Ukraine and its supporters.

The Russian ambassador to Washington said that the United States and its allies, by refusing to understand Moscow's demands and continuing to arm Ukraine, are only exacerbating the conflict.

Moscow is “He insists on his opinion.” It will at some point reach a peace agreement with Kiev, despite Western resistance “They did everything in their power to deprive Ukraine of its independence and turn it into an anti-Russian beachhead.” Anatoly Antonov told Newsweek on Tuesday.

“Instead of hearing and understanding Russia's main demands – purging and demilitarizing Ukrainian thugs as well as rejecting Russophobia and NATO's plans in Kiev – Washington and its minions are making things worse,” he stressed.

United States and European Union “They point weapons at their puppets [in Kiev]He described this as a “good investment”. They turn a blind eye to the blatant crimes committed by their “agents”, who use lethal equipment to commit war crimes and acts of terrorism against public infrastructure, civilians and even their own soldiers. The ambassador added.

The latest statement was a clear reference to the downing of a Russian Il-76 transport plane with 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war on board last month, which Moscow says was carried out deliberately by Kiev using a US-made Patriot missile system. Kiev refused to take responsibility for the attack.

According to the Russian Antonov company “He still won't give up the conversation.” On Ukraine though just get “unacceptable” Proposals from Kyiv and its Western backers.

“They insist that there are no alternatives to Zelensky’s meaningless and one-sided formula, even though it does not take into account Russia’s position and ignores the aspirations of the Global South, which the neo-colonizers are trying to deceive and use cynically.” As silent observers. He said.

The so-called “peace formula”, which Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been promoting since 2022, calls for Russia's withdrawal from all territories claimed by Kiev, the payment of compensation to Moscow, and the formation of a war crimes court.

The ambassador stressed that in order to reach a diplomatic solution in Ukraine, the United States and its allies will have to change their course regarding Russia.

“There is no possibility of talking to our country from a position of strength and pressure from sanctions… The earlier America realizes this, the sooner the world will have a chance to return to a stable, sustainable and predictable development path.” Antonov said.

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