
Smotrich: There must be news about Jewish settlements in Gaza

Israeli Finance Minister Bezarel Smotrich said Israel must always control the Gaza Strip and called on Jews to settle in the Strip.

The extremist minister said in a television interview that Israel would not be able to permanently control Gaza without a civilian presence, leaving no room for terrorism to develop.

He added, “Look why Jenin and Tulkarm became the capital of terrorism. Because there are no Jewish settlements there.”

Smotrich has been making extremist comments, the last of which was just days ago when he spoke with National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gweil about deporting Gaza residents, reoccupying the Strip and establishing settlements there point of necessity.

Extremist rhetoric even affects Palestinians in the West Bank. As Smotrich said in late November last year, there are “two million Nazis” in the West Bank.

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