
South Africa wants ‘end of genocide’ in Gaza – presidential spokesman (VIDEO) — RT World News

The South African government has asked the International Court of Justice to take additional measures to prevent the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza from worsening, Vincent Magwenya, spokesman for President Cyril Ramaphosa, told RT in an exclusive interview.

Speaking to RT via video link from Johannesburg, Magwenya addressed his government's ongoing legal efforts on behalf of the Palestinians, relations with the United States, press freedom in Africa, and other topics.

“We want to see the conflict end as soon as possible.” Magwenya said of Gaza. South Africa calls on the International Court of Justice to take additional measures against Israel “To prevent what now looks like a famine crisis, in which many people are expected to die of hunger.” he added.

President Ramaphosa is working on an investigation “Stop hostilities” Opening humanitarian corridors to deliver aid to all those in need.

South Africa is determined to do so “Use all legal means and tools to put an end to the genocide currently taking place in Gaza.” Magwenya told RT.

In response to a question about how its support for Gaza affects South Africa’s relations with the United States, Magwenya said that Washington realizes that they “We disagree on a number of issues” One of them is Palestinian.

“The teachings that the president often refers to, of former President Nelson Mandela, are those that encourage ongoing dialogue and communication with those with whom you disagree most.” The spokesman told RT.

We will continue to express our dissatisfaction and annoyance with the State of Israel and its behavior towards the Palestinians.”

When South Africa brought its case to the International Court of Justice, “Some of the world's most prominent Western media chose not to provide coverage.” Magwenya noted this. “We noticed that the next day, when Israel presented its arguments, it was given comprehensive coverage.”

“The kind of treatment that is given to the Palestinian story, especially by Western media houses, is not the same treatment that you see in other places where there is conflict.” he added.

Africans also faced neglect and discrimination from the Western press, which portrayed poverty, hunger and mismanagement as endemic to the continent.

“We have our own local media companies that cover the continent extensively.” Magwenya said. “We don't necessarily depend on Western media houses to tell us about ourselves.”

He noted that the emergence of digital and online channels has also allowed Africans to tell their own stories.

Magwenya told RT that South Africa would never resort to censorship. “It is unfortunate that some countries and regional blocs have decided to do this.” he added.

Freedom of expression is “It is embedded in our constitution, and I would go so far as to say it is embedded in our societal DNA.” The presidential spokesman said. “Our belief is that the media anywhere in the world should be allowed to operate and express themselves as freely as possible.”

Asked about the South African provider recently dropping RT from its lineup, Magwenya said it was “rather unfortunate” Adding that this step was due to… “Commercial interests” in the game.

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