
South Korean spies reveal North’s likely next leader – Nikkei Asia — RT World News

Seoul's intelligence agency appears to have suggested that Kim Jong Un's daughter, Kim Ju-ae, will likely take over

The Nikkei Asia reported that South Korea's intelligence agency has speculated that Kim Jong Un's daughter, believed to be named Kim Ju-ae, is his likely successor as North Korea's leader. Seoul's National Intelligence Service (NIS) is said to have noticed this “Too many variables” She is playing her part, suggesting that other candidates may emerge.

Kim Joo-ae, who is around 10 years old, reportedly made her first public appearance in November 2022, when she watched a test of a Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile with her father and mother. North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency described the young man as the leader's son “His beloved daughter” But at that time she stopped revealing her name. She has since appeared 20 times, accompanying the North Korean leader to missile launches and military sites.

The idea that the girl's name is Kim Ju-ae is based on the account of former American basketball star Dennis Rodman, who visited North Korea and met its leader and his family in 2013.

According to Nikkei Asia, the new head of the National Intelligence Service, Cho Tae-yong, briefed South Korean lawmakers in a report ahead of Thursday's hearing that… “Based on a comprehensive analysis of public activities” Kim Joo Yes “At present he seems to be the most likely heir.”

This alleged conclusion reflects an assessment expressed late last year by a senior official in South Korea's Unification Ministry.

If true, the NIS's latest assessment represents a shift from its previous statements, with the spy agency saying in a report in September that it was too early to speculate on the status of Kim Jong Un's heir, Kim Ju-e.

The South Korean intelligence service claimed in 2017 that the DPRK leader had three children: a son born in 2010, a daughter born in 2013, and a child of uncertain gender born in 2017.

In his latest report, as reported by Nikkei Asia, the head of the National Intelligence Service noted that Kim Jong Un is still relatively young and does not appear to have serious health problems, meaning that candidates other than his daughter may emerge to become the next leader of North Korea.

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