
Still time for UK to ‘do the right thing’ – wife of Assange — RT World News

His wife, Stella, said the publisher's persecution was political from the beginning

It was the British legal system “kidnapped” By the United States in order to prosecute WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, his wife Stella told RT, who added that it was still possible for the British courts to put things right.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court in London ruled that Assange's extradition hearing be postponed until it is awaited “Affirmations” From the United States government that he will not be subjected to torture or the death penalty.

“This is a political issue” said Stella Assange, who is also her husband's lawyer. “I think that's pretty clear to anyone who looks at this and the strange turns this case has taken.”

the case “He should have been fired from the start.” she added. “I still retain some hope that the UK courts will stop this arbitrary persecution of Julian in which the legal system has been hijacked for political purposes.”

Details to follow

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