
Swiss government priced out of Davos – media — RT World News

Local media reported that the World Economic Forum's annual summit pushed accommodation costs beyond the reach of the federal government

The Swiss government cannot, and is even demanding, send its officials to the annual meeting of the elite at the World Economic Forum in Davos “Level up” The VIPs were sharing hotel rooms, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper reported on Saturday.

The Alpine resort of Davos will host politicians, business leaders and celebrities when the World Economic Forum's annual meeting begins on Monday. This gathering is an opportunity for like-minded liberal elites to network and discuss their common interest in eliminating corruption Fossil fuels, Strengthen “Diversity and equality” And planning for Catastrophic diseasesamong other things Much slander Suggestions.

Naturally, the influx of elites has pushed the cost of living in Davos through the roof, and even the Swiss government is feeling the pinch, according to an official audit cited by the Davos newspaper. New Zurich Times.

The World Economic Forum made 25 hotel rooms available to representatives of the Swiss federal government last year. 20 of them were inside a high police zone “Security zone” The price per night is 1,269.90 francs ($1,472), while five outside this zone costs Swiss taxpayers 599.90 francs ($705) per night.

According to the audit, these prices have not yet been determined 'Complex negotiations' Between the World Economic Forum and local hotels, it was considered “suitable” Rates.

However, federal expenditure regulations only allow Swiss government officials to spend a maximum of 180 francs ($211) per night, or 250 francs ($293), which is what the newspaper called it. “Justified exceptional cases”

Economy Minister Guy Parmelin told the newspaper that with prices rising at nearly ten times that rate, the government is making some cuts this year. Parmelin said the size of the delegation has been maintained for this year “As small as possible.” Some members will reside in the city of Chur, 50 kilometers from Davos.

While the government was able to secure hotel rooms in Chur for a relative bargain of 190 francs per night, delegates still had to share rooms in some cases. Even those in “higher levels of hierarchy” Parmelin stated that he would have to sleep.

The Swiss Defense Ministry said last week that about 5,000 Swiss soldiers would be deployed across the country during the World Economic Forum meeting. The newspaper reported that a large group of them will be accommodated outside the city, but will not be subject to the same spending limits as the government delegation. Soldiers on duty at last year's summit had better arrangements, staying at the same resort.

In 2016, five soldiers tested positive for cocaine after their week in Davos and were sent home, while seven others were disciplined for smoking pot while protecting the rich and powerful.

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