
Texas can arrest illegal border crossers – US Supreme Court — RT World News

The justices rejected a request from the Biden administration to block implementation of the controversial new state law

The US Supreme Court has rejected an emergency request by President Joe Biden's administration to block a new law in Texas that allows police to arrest illegal immigrants crossing the state from Mexico.

The 6-3 ruling was issued Tuesday, allowing the new law to take effect while it continues to be challenged in lower courts in a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice. Texas Governor Greg Abbott welcomed the decision and described it as “tragic.” “A clear positive development” But he acknowledged that the state's legal battle with the Biden administration is not over yet.

Texas has been at the forefront of a campaign by Republican-governed states to push for enhanced border security amid the influx of illegal immigrants across the border with Mexico.

Abbott has deployed National Guard and state troopers to set up barriers on the border since Biden took office in January 2021. Abbott defied Biden's demands to stop such practices, saying the federal government has failed in its constitutional duty to defend the states.

The controversial new law, known as SB4, enables state and local law enforcement officers to arrest immigrants who cross the border illegally. It also allows Texas judges to order the deportation of illegal immigrants. The Biden administration has insisted that only the federal government has jurisdiction over border security.

“We fundamentally disagree with the Supreme Court’s order allowing a harmful and unconstitutional Texas law to take effect.” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement. “SB 4 will not only make Texas communities less safe, it will burden law enforcement and sow chaos and confusion at our southern border.”

The Supreme Court's ruling was split along partisan lines, with the six justices appointed by Republican presidents voting to allow the Texas law to take effect, while the three Democratic-appointed justices dissented. “The court gives the green light to a law that would upend the long-standing balance of power between the federal government and the states and sow chaos.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a dissenting opinion.

Biden's critics say his policies have led to chaos at the border, allowing record influxes of illegal immigrants, including suspected terrorists, and enabling a surge in drug smuggling. Abbott and other Republican governors have sent buses full of illegal immigrants to Democratic-governed cities, such as New York and Chicago, to draw more attention to the border crisis. New York Mayor Eric Adams warned that the increase in the number of immigrants arriving is draining local government resources, which threatens to “Demolition” The largest city in America.

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