
Texas should be renamed ‘Ukraine’ – US congressman — RT World News

Chip Roy joked that the move could trick the Biden administration and US senators into helping the country address border security

Republican Congressman Chip Roy of Texas criticized the US Senate for passing a $95 billion bill for Ukraine and Israel without including provisions to secure the southern border, calling the bill “dangerous.” “An abomination – extreme abhorrence, abominable act.”

The Democratic-led Senate passed the international security assistance package on Tuesday by a vote of 70 to 29 after a group of Republican lawmakers split to support the measure — but it has not yet been approved by the House.

Speaking to Fox News on Tuesday, Roy suggested introducing a bill to rename Texas to Ukraine, mocking that “Then perhaps this administration and senators will work to secure America’s borders.”

“I have never seen the nursing home known as the United States Senate work harder than it does when it comes to spending the American people's money on foreign wars.” The Republican representative said.

Roy went on to criticize the GOP senators who supported the Senate bill, and who claimed that much of the $60 billion allocated to Ukraine would actually support the US defense industrial base and help American companies.

“Since when do we have economic development driven by overseas war financing?” the congressman asked adamantly He added: “Any reasonable person who sees what is happening on our southern border will know that you cannot finance foreign wars, while our borders are wide open and vulnerable to criminals, lawlessness and terrorists.”

Roy stated that border security remains a priority for the American people as well as for Republicans in Congress, and pledged to block the bill approved by the Senate when it reaches the House of Representatives.

House Speaker Mike Johnson strongly opposes providing more funding to Ukraine unless it is tied to border security and stricter immigration laws.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden is urging Congress to speed up approval of aid to Ukraine, arguing that stalling the funds plays into the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin and increases the possibility of direct confrontation with Moscow in the future.

Biden claimed that Russia could attack a NATO country if it manages to defeat Ukraine, which would require Washington's intervention, in line with ensuring the bloc's mutual defense.

On the other hand, Moscow repeatedly denied that it had any intention to attack NATO, and Putin confirmed that Russia had done so. “There is no interest… geopolitically, economically or militarily.” By doing so, you will not participate in hostilities unless you are attacked first.

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