
The later the negotiations, the worse the result for Ukraine – Hungary — RT World News

Peter Szijjarto also warned Western leaders that talk of direct NATO intervention could lead to “World War III.”

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó said that Ukraine will not be able to strengthen its negotiating position on the battlefield as some Western leaders believe, and the longer the peace talks are postponed, the worse the outcome will be for Kiev.

Speaking to Radio Kossuth on Sunday, Szijjarto said he was “Hearing for several months” About how the Ukrainian army is making gains on the front “With it they can start negotiations from a better position.”

He added: “In recent weeks, it has become clear that this scenario has failed, and that time is on Russia's side.” He continued, warning against this “The longer a ceasefire is called and negotiations begin, the worse it will be for Ukraine.”

Since the beginning of the conflict, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that Washington will continue to arm Kiev in order to… “Strengthening its hand to reach a diplomatic solution on fair terms at the negotiating table.” EU diplomats have made similar promises, generally followed by assurances that only Ukraine will decide when to enter talks with Russia.

Hungary has taken a different tack, with Szijjártó and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán since 2022 calling for a ceasefire and negotiations. “Almost no one” Orban believes Ukraine will win, Orban told members of his Fidesz party last month. Several weeks before Ukraine lost the key Donbas stronghold of Avdiivka, the Hungarian leader said so “Time is on the side of the Russians, and the longer the war lasts, the more people will die, and the balance of power will not change in favor of Ukraine.”

According to the latest figures from the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine has lost more than 400,000 service members – killed, wounded and missing – since the conflict began in February 2022. The Ukrainian military is also dealing with a dwindling pool of potential recruits and a shortage in the armed forces. Western weapons and ammunition. Western media and their politicians to caution These two problems may soon lead to a collapse along the front.

He added: “We have also made clear that the longer this war lasts, the closer we are to the terrifying danger called World War III.” Szijjarto told Radio Kossuth.

The Hungarian diplomat condemned the recent statement of French President Emmanuel Macron, who said last Monday that… “Can't be ruled out” Deployment of NATO forces in Ukraine. While many NATO leaders and the Alliance Secretary General quickly announced that such a deployment would not take place, the idea is the same. I found a fit Among some Baltic states, which have consistently called for more Western intervention.

He said, “We in NATO made a decision about two years ago… [stating] He added that NATO is not a belligerent state, and everything must be done to avoid a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia. Cluster head Jens Stoltenberg explained.

He added, “Western politicians who talk about the necessity of sending ground forces are certainly violating this joint NATO decision.” He completed. Our position is clear and unequivocal: we will not send weapons or soldiers.”

Moscow has indicated that it remains open to peace talks, but has received no response “serious” Proposals from Kyiv or the West. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said last month that any potential agreement must be accepted “New reality” That Ukraine no longer has Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye.

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