
The monster that eats happiness.. What are the causes of chronic stress? | Lifestyle

pressure This is a negative word associated with fear, anxiety, and the inability to make good decisions, but it has some positive imagery that can help the body secrete adrenaline, which in turn prompts task completion and enhances problem-solving abilities.

The feeling of stress accompanied ancient humans as a direct response to danger and as a means of fending off predators and various threats.

Of course, the threats and challenges faced by humans have changed in modern times and, except in rare cases, humans are no longer likely to face challenges related to access to food or threats from predators, but new challenges have also emerged, such as work Tired, taking care of the kids, paying the bills. All this stress alerts the brain to a state of constant irritation and tension that affects all of its daily tasks.

Signs and symptoms of chronic stress

Chronic stress is defined as long-lasting feelings of stress and exhaustion. It slowly drains a person's mental and physical energy. Signs of this exhaustion appear in the form of a cluster of symptoms that appear for weeks at a time. Among the most important symptoms are sporadic body aches, insomnia, and changes in daily social behavior, such as staying at home for long periods of time, along with low energy, difficulty concentrating, and emotional withdrawal, among other symptoms that may develop from chronic stress. Depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other psychological disorders.

chronic stress
Chronic stress refers to feelings of stress and exhaustion that persist over a long period of time (Shutterstock)

Causes of chronic stress

Personal trauma or ongoing abuse can be a major source of chronic stress, including domestic violence, child abuse, and traumatic events such as natural disasters, wartime situations, or serious illness.

Poverty is also a major cause of chronic stress and anxiety due to the long-term effects of financial stress, debt and insecurity.

Experts note that discrimination against someone can be worrisome, such as against people with special needs or people of color, who often experience anxiety due to society's ongoing stigma against them.

Workplace stress is also one of the most common causes of anxiety, as some workplaces lack flexibility and empathy for their employees, which leads to ongoing anxiety and has a negative impact on their physical and mental health.

3-Stress is a personal personality problem caused by a lack of adaptability and flexibility skills- (Pixel)
Stress doesn’t give people the chance to take care of themselves and their emotions (Pixel)

How do you know you have chronic stress?

Chronic stress is caused by repeated reactions to stress. Even the simplest things, which leave the body in a constant state of imagined threats, can cause a lot of discomfort, making the person constantly emotional and worried, even if they can simply pass. The nature of some things is not entirely clear.

Stress doesn’t give people the opportunity to take care of themselves and their emotions. It is like a monster that swallows up all reasons for happiness and may also turn happiness into the opposite result due to the pessimistic outlook of anxious people. Stress that is not linked to a specific time but persists over a long period of time due to significant or seemingly mutual problems, with symptoms lasting longer than a month over a period of time.

Sometimes, a stressed person becomes more irritable with people around him, may stop replying to messages, and cancel plans to meet up with friends, which is an extra burden on him.

chronic stress
The stress of daily life signals to the brain that it is in a state of constant stimulation and stress (Shutterstock)

Simple and effective treatment

Psychologists say that regular exercise can control cortisol levels in the body, daily exercise can reduce stress levels, and walking for 20 minutes a day can improve memory and cognitive skills and reduce stress.

The role of relaxation exercises and techniques in reducing stress and lowering cortisol levels in the blood cannot be ignored. Relaxation techniques include yoga, meditation, deep breathing and prayer.

The food a person eats can influence his response to anxiety and stress, with research showing that certain diets may contribute to depression and anxiety, especially those high in sugar, while diets that rely on fish products and healthy fats can lower stress levels .

To maintain balance, experts recommend eating small amounts of protein-rich foods every 3 hours to avoid hypoglycemia.

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