
The most dangerous internal crisis.. Three years after the attack on the Capitol | Policy

Washington – In the 247-year history of the United States, there has never been a day as powerful and monumental as a building House of Parliament Three years ago, thousands of supporters of the former president launched an attack Donald Trump A joint session of the House and Senate ratifies the results of the 2020 presidential election, ending with the president’s victory Joe Biden.

Compared to the major crises facing the United States, the most famous is Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, forcing it into… Second World Warand attack Al Qaeda September 11, 2001, led to the beginning of the so-called U.S. War on Terror and the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. The events of January 6, 2021, are considered more dangerous because they were entirely created within the United States. They were a typical local crisis that exemplified the depth of polarization.

Biden sounds the alarm

Unlike previous crises, the events of January 6, 2021 struck a blow to the core of American democracy, with a democratically elected president refusing to acknowledge the results of an election he lost, even calling it fraudulent without providing concrete evidence Behavior.

Although dozens of different courts have rejected President Trump's claims, millions of his Republican supporters believe the election was stolen from him before the final step of certifying the election results on January 6, 2021.

Trump became the first president in American history to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power, affecting the very nature of American democracy itself. So far, the man has not committed to respecting and accepting the election results.

In his first speech of the presidential election year, President Joe Biden yesterday (Friday) warned of the dangers of undermining democracy and the threat he and his campaign believe former President Donald Trump poses to American democracy.

“Is democracy still a sacred cause in America? Donald Trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. He was willing to sacrifice our democracy to keep himself in power. Our campaign is different,” Biden said.

U.S. President Joe Biden delivers a speech
President Joe Biden warns Americans of the dangers of democratic compromise (Al Jazeera)

Trial, Conviction and Suspicion

“Three years ago, thousands of people violently stormed the U.S. Capitol and attacked law enforcement officers in a failed attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in our democracy,” FBI Assistant Director David Sandberg in Washington said in a statement. “The FBI and our partners continue to successfully hold them accountable.” The Department of Justice has not completed all investigations and trials related to today's incident.

Trump's federal trial on charges of trying to change the outcome of the last presidential election is scheduled to begin next March during the Republican primaries.

Trump is accused of conspiring to defraud the U.S. government, conspiring to obstruct official proceedings and conspiring to violate human rights. He has repeatedly insisted that he broke no laws.

He also promised that if he wins the 2024 election, he will pardon hundreds of people convicted of the Capitol attack who are serving prison terms in some cases as long as 30 years.

Lack of confidence and fear of what is about to happen

Many Americans believe that polarization and political divisions are less severe now than they were during the last election. The chart reflects a realistic scenario of a repeat contest between Biden and Trump, which will only heighten concerns about potential turbulence.

A Pew Research Center poll of more than 8,000 U.S. citizens last summer showed Americans are more polarized than before, with 55% saying they were angry about U.S. policies.

Recent polls show that a majority of them are also concerned that another event like January 6, 2021, could happen again in the near future, revealing widespread concerns about polarization and division in American society.

The poll of 1,500 American voters conducted by Newsweek magazine on December 19 showed that more people believe that the full truth of the incident has not yet been released.

Surveys show that three years later, January 6, 2021, is still a date that weighs heavily on the minds of many Americans, who may view it as the beginning of a new era of social unrest and lack of trust in public institutions.

Despite everything, a lot remains the same, and that's not stopping former President Donald Trump from running for the White House again. Polls show Americans remain polarized over the significance of what happened, and the risk of further political violence remains alarmingly high.

“It's sad to think that the forces that created the events of January 6 and the anti-democratic tensions in American politics are fading,” said Robert Lieberman, a political science professor at Johns Hopkins University.

“We have to remember that this is not the product of one candidate or one president,” Lieberman added. “There are still a lot of underlying structural conditions in American politics that create this sense of threat. I think if the perceived danger It has passed.”

As a result, polls three years later show that public opinion of the Capitol attack has not changed much. There remains a partisan divide between Democrats and Republicans over how to view January 6, 2021.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll asked whether the storming of the Capitol was “an attack on democracy that should never be forgotten” or “it’s time to move on,” with 77% of Republicans saying “yes.” It’s time to move on.” And 90% of Democrats said “this is a day that should never be forgotten.”

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