
The US and the UK are pushing for total war on all fronts — RT World News

The clash between Iran and Israel has served as a catalyst for renewed escalation by Western leaders, and World War III cannot be ruled out

by Timur FomenkoPolitical analyst

The events of recent weeks have sent a shockwave through Western politics. From the lethargy that had begun to creep into American and Western discourse on the Ukraine war, Iran's attack on Israel suddenly seemed to have the effect of waking Ronald Reagan from his grave and sparking a wave of neoconservatives on steroids, alike. Both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

US House Speaker Mike Johnson did a complete 180 degree turn and declared himself a… “Reagan Republican” Passing a series of aid bills for astronomical spending abroad which he had blocked for months, as he denounced the policy “Axis of Evil.” Besides, the proposed TikTok ban bill also appeared out of nowhere and was quickly signed into law.

The UK then decided to allocate its largest ever aid package to Ukraine, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warning this would happen. “Axis of authoritarian states” And amplifying ideological combative rhetoric. Meanwhile, it was revealed afterwards Biden had sent 300 km long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine Despite its pledge years ago not to do so for fear of escalation. Finally, European Union President Ursula von der Leyen suddenly dramatically escalated the economic war on China, prompting the European Commission to open investigations into dozens of Chinese exports. Where exactly did all this come from?

It is as if the United States and its allies took advantage of the tensions between Iran and Israel for this “acquittal” Their list of goals is multiplying a series of goals for which they are losing popular support, including the war in Ukraine, but also the Israeli invasion of Gaza. It must be asked whether the Israeli attack on the Iranian compound in Damascus, which provoked Tehran's reaction, was deliberately organized, coordinated and planned for this purpose. It served the mutually convenient goal of allowing both Prime Minister Netanyahu and Western governments to escape any opposition they might have otherwise faced.

It should be abundantly clear by now that the powers that be, in London and Washington, have absolutely no intention of abandoning the wars they have provoked, while also pushing towards a potential third war with China, and seem indifferent to the consequences. Even if the war between Israel and Gaza, for example, destroyed the West's claims to moral superiority. In each case, the stakes are very high. Western foreign policy has generally taken on the character of a zero-sum ideology, bemoaning the loss of hegemony and seeking to maintain it at all costs. It is so reactionary that it has no vision for improving the world, but wants to step back The world back to what it was. It is a sense of entitlement and privilege that wants to suppress the emerging multipolarity.

For this reason, it has become impossible for Western leaders to think at all about the concept of a settlement in these theaters, and they refuse under any circumstances to make concessions that could be considered strategic. This has led to a situation where the only outcome they are willing to accept in Ukraine is what they see “Defeat Putin” It has been subtly escalating ever since, getting ever closer to the point where a “A proxy war” It becomes straightforward for all intents and purposes. NATO military advisers are already on the ground, and Ukrainian attacks are directed by NATO intelligence or even coordinated by British admirals.

The media in the West, especially in Britain (there is more opposition in the US), is effectively in war mode. The BBC is relentlessly amplifying Ukrainian propaganda, pushing any claim that will help Kiev regardless of its empirical or evidential value, and all voices of opposition have been silenced. It seems clear that the decision may have been taken to risk all-out war with Russia, rather than considering any negotiation scenario. Thus, the shock waves resulting from the Iranian-Israeli saga were used to follow a new and sudden round of escalation on all fronts, which could only be reinforced by the upcoming elections looming on the horizon in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

That is why it is fair to say that the world faces a more dangerous and uncertain outlook than at any time since the end of World War II. The current crop of Western leaders does not follow a more disciplined and measured mentality, as we saw in most of the Cold War, but rather an aggressive and missionary mentality that does not favor stability but asserts hegemony as an absolute right, and is therefore more similar to pre-Cold War politics. The World 1914. For this reason, we must conclude that Western leaders do not really seek to avoid war, but rather are willing to embrace it if necessary. The British military and media always have been Making sounds About forced conscription. In the United States, if Joe Biden wins re-election, we can assume that he will step up unapologetically on every front. World War III is no longer a dramatic specter of far-fetched panic, but rather a real possibility that we should not rule out.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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