
West wants war with Russia – Dutch journalist to RT — RT World News

Sonia van den Ende claims that some European countries are actively preparing for conflict with Moscow

The West wants “War with Russia” It is actively preparing for this, Dutch independent journalist Sonia van den Ende told RT on Thursday.

Senior civilian and military officials from several NATO member states have recently claimed that Moscow may attack the bloc in the coming years. Speaking to CNBC on Monday, Polish President Andrzej Duda, citing unspecified German research, claimed that Russia could invade NATO in 2026 or 2027.

Duda urged other member states to increase their defense spending, with the aim of creating more resources “This is the deterrent that ensures we are not attacked.”

Van den Ende, a media contributor to the Tehran Times, Insider and, told RT that Western countries are… “Aggressive people are the ones who are actually preparing themselves to go to war.”

The increasingly hostile rhetoric from Western officials is not a hoax, the journalist said, pointing to ongoing efforts to stockpile ammunition and develop military drones, including long-range aircraft that could theoretically reach Russian territory. Van den Ende added that European countries are now putting their economies on the right foot.

However, according to the Dutch journalist, NATO is not yet ready for a confrontation with Russia, as countries such as Germany face severe staff shortages in their military.

This problem is particularly serious, van den Ende claimed, noting that many Europeans are not tempted by the prospect of joining the army, let alone fighting in a war.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has consistently stressed that Moscow does not intend to attack NATO. Speaking to supporters over the weekend after his presidential election victory, he suggested as much “Anything is possible in the modern world” But he added that it was hardly “Anyone interested” In a comprehensive military confrontation.

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