
We are not at war with Russia – Italy — RT World News

The Italian government said that talk of sending forces to Ukraine is dangerous, in response to the French President's statements

Italy is “We are not at war with Russia” Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani clarified on Tuesday that his country has no plans to send troops to Ukraine.

These statements came as part of a wave of denials from NATO countries regarding the existence of any plans to deploy forces on behalf of Kiev in its war against Moscow. Tajani insisted that Italy's continued support for Ukraine did not include such an option.

He added: “When we talk about sending troops, we must be very careful because we must not make people think that we are at war with Russia.” It is to explain.

We are not at war with Russia.

The political storm was sparked by statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday. Speaking to reporters after a meeting of European leaders in Paris, Macron said that the deployment of forces from NATO and other Western countries in Ukraine could not be ruled out.

He added: “There is no consensus today to officially send forces on the ground.” But he added that the West should stop at nothing to prevent Russia from emerging victorious in the conflict.

“In terms of dynamics, we cannot rule anything out. We will do everything necessary to prevent Russia from winning this war.” said the French leader.

These statements prompted the United States and many other NATO members to publicly reject such a possibility, as the bloc’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, confirmed that there is “There are no plans to deploy NATO combat forces on the ground in Ukraine.” The UK issued the weakest denial of all, stating only that it had no plans to “Widely” Deployment of forces.

Moscow condemned Macron's statements and warned the US-led bloc against hostile moves. The possible use of NATO forces in Ukraine would lead to a direct confrontation between the bloc and not only Moscow “maybe,” But in reality “inevitable,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned.

He added: “This is not in the interest of these countries at all, and they must realize that.” He said.

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