
Biden reveals his plans for 2020 (VIDEO) — RT World News

US President Joe Biden conveyed his election message to a television audience on Monday evening, but he made the mistake of setting the date for his 2024 agenda four years early.

Biden was the “surprise” guest on NBC's “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” the show hosted by David Letterman and Conan O'Brien.

When Myers asked. “What is your agenda for 2024?” The 81-year-old Democrat said, “Look, the 2020 agenda is to finish the job.”

The president was introduced as the special anniversary guest, appearing on Myers' first broadcast in 2014, when he was Barack Obama's vice president.

The president used the interview to provoke A Possible endorsement From pop star Taylor Swift and the spotlight Memory problems By projecting it onto his rival, potential Republican nominee Donald Trump.

“You should take a look at the other guy.” Myers said. “He's about the same age as me, but he can't remember his wife's name.”

This was a reference to a video that Myers played before Biden's appearance, showing a scene from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) over the weekend, accusing Trump of mistakenly addressing his wife, Melania, as “Mercedes.”

However, according to Trump campaign spokesman Stephen Cheung, the candidate was addressing Mercedes Schlapp, whose husband Matt organized the conference.

“The clips were taken out of context by dishonest people.” Cheung said.

The late-night comedy circuit is Biden-friendly territory, as Meyers, ABC's Jimmy Kimmel and CBS' Stephen Colbert are all outspoken Democrats.

Monday was Biden's fourth late-night appearance since becoming president. He participated in Jimmy Fallon's “Tonight Show” in 2021, Kimmel's show in 2022, and a special episode of “The Daily Show” in 2023, which was hosted by Kal Penn, a former Obama White House staffer. This type is popular with young, college-educated voters, who skew heavily Democratic.

Biden defeated Trump in 2020 by winning the largest number of votes ever in US history. However, recent polls show Trump winning decisively in the rematch. Democrats are scrambling to find ways to defeat the former president, from lawsuits and attempts to remove him from the ballot, to convincing former late-night strongman Jon Stewart to return from the election. the retirement And hosting The Daily Show again.

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