
The US claims to bring peace to the Middle East. Here’s how it’s actually pushing for war — RT World News

Washington has publicly expressed its opposition to Israeli assassinations on Lebanese soil, but has never tried to stop Netanyahu.

After failing to achieve its primary goals of crushing Hamas and forcibly recapturing its detainees, the Israeli army recently announced that it was moving to what it called “Stage 3“From its war in Gaza.

Despite claims to the contrary by the Israeli leadership, about a dozen armed groups stationed in the besieged Palestinian territories continue to wage daily battles from north to south. After it caused what UN humanitarian aid official Martin Griffiths described as “The worst ever“The humanitarian crisis, Nearly 30,000 Palestinians were killed In the process, the invading Israeli army has little to offer militarily.

In light of the military defeat in Gaza, as Hamas's popularity and credibility increased, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attention appears to have shifted beyond the borders of Palestine and Israel. This is likely due to the fact that the Israeli Prime Minister knows that his political career will effectively end once the war in Gaza ends. On January 2, Israel carried out an assassination raid in the southern suburb of Beirut. The deputy head of the Hamas political bureau was killedSalah Al-Arouri and six others were with him. This constituted the first Israeli attack on the Lebanese capital since the war between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006.

Following the 2006 war between Lebanon and Israel, the Secretary-General of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement, Hassan Nasrallah, repeatedly made clear that targeting the country's capital was a red line for the armed group. The Israeli war government knew this and that the attack deserved a response from Hezbollah, which had engaged in repeated armed exchanges along the southern Lebanese border since January 8.

In the first speech given by the Secretary-General of Hezbollah in October after the start of the war between Gaza and Israel, he said: We will not let Hamas loseIndicating that Hezbollah will play a supporting role in the war. All regional powers aligned with Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups in Gaza have said the same thing – that they are playing supporting roles and are not participating in an all-out war. In the case of Hezbollah, even as Israel targeted civilians and journalists, as well as prominent figures associated with the group, Hezbollah stuck to its word and did not escalate into a full-scale war.

But Israel is testing the Lebanese side, after it took a step further on January 8th Assassination of Hezbollah infantry commander Wissam Al-Taweel in an air strike on his car in southern Lebanon. In response to the two assassination attacks, Hezbollah launched strikes on Israel's northern command center in Safed and the northern Meron military base, with precision missiles, drones, and missiles. Although these attacks represent a qualitative shift in the level of targets that the Lebanese party is preparing to strike, they were strategic and clearly designed to prevent the situation from deteriorating into an all-out war.

Another important operation carried out by Hezbollah was the targeting of an Israeli Merkava tank from a distance of 8 kilometers using a guided anti-tank weapon. This served as a warning to the Israeli military leadership, indicating that any attempt to invade Lebanese territory would be fought from great distances and would likely lead to failure.

Although Hezbollah's full capabilities are not fully understood, we know from publicly available data and estimates that the group has a standing military force of approximately 100,000 fighters, armed with hundreds of thousands of missiles, many of which are precision-guided. It is widely understood that in the event of war, the Lebanese armed group is capable of leveling entire suburbs in cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa. The United States knows all this and has publicly expressed its opposition to the war between Lebanon and Israel, but its actions in the region say something different.

First of all, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken twice bypassed Congress to transfer hundreds of millions worth of munitions to Israel, while providing comprehensive, unconditional support for Israel's attack on Gaza. While it gave Israel the green light to commit any action it pleased, and refused to reprimand it for extrajudicial assassinations in Lebanon, the Biden administration ordered its own assassination strike in Iraq. United State Air strikes were launched in Baghdad, killing Mushtaq Al-JawariCommander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces. The assassination of an Iraqi leader considered an integral part of Iraq's official security apparatus was a reckless move that led to the Iraqi Prime Minister declaring that the United States had violated its agreements to remain in the country.

Meanwhile in Yemen, as part of a multinational “Operation Prosperity Guardian” The US military launched strikes on three boats belonging to the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis), killing ten, and this was followed by a joint US-UK air attack on targets across the country. While Houthi forces, who lead a government from the capital, Sanaa, did not kill anyone in their attacks on commercial ships heading to the Israeli port of Eilat, the United States moved quickly to escalate tensions. This was preferable to listening to the Houthi's simple demand to allow aid into Gaza to prevent the population from starving to death.

In any case, the United States refuses to engage in diplomacy and enforce international law. Instead, he enacts the law of the jungle and allows terror to continue in Gaza. While it claims that it does not seek a regional war, it is working to escalate tensions and encourage the Israeli government to act against Washington's stated interests by trying to spark a war with Lebanon.

Hezbollah has no interest in war at this time, because ending the war in Gaza would represent a massive victory for the Palestinian national movement and promote an end to the illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip, in addition to launching negotiations for a Palestinian solution. state. If Hezbollah goes to war with Israel, the focus will shift to Lebanon, and even reconstruction efforts in Gaza will be undermined in the post-war scenario. Hezbollah is clearly working to attract Israeli resources to the north and play a supportive role on behalf of the Palestinians, which has led the group to take a very measured approach, even in the face of the attack on Beirut.

The only ones who would benefit from an Israeli-Lebanese war are Israel's current military, political and intelligence leaders. Israeli leaders have failed to achieve any major military achievements in Gaza. They know that their time in power is limited and seem prepared to drag their nation into an unwinnable war. In the event of war with Lebanon, which would certainly ignite a broader regional conflict, Israel hopes to draw in the US military. Such a conflict could lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions. All of this could stop in one day if the Biden administration simply decided to take its stand, but it appears to have neither the motivation nor the competence to prevent this doomsday scenario.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of RT.

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