
Top US senator wants Russia labeled ‘state sponsor of terrorism’  — RT World News

Republican hawks claim Russian activist Alexei Navalny was “murdered” and the country should be punished for it

US Senator Lindsey Graham said that the death of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny in a Siberian prison was not just an accident, before forensic medicine determined the exact cause of death.

Navalny, 47, collapsed during his daily walk on Friday and was later pronounced dead. The cause of death is still unknown, but Western reactions have occurred “They have once again demonstrated their hypocrisy, cynicism and lack of principles.” The Foreign Ministry in Moscow said. On Sunday, Senator Graham, who has called on several occasions to… Assassination President Vladimir Putin went so far as to blame the Russian leader personally.

“Let’s make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under US law. Let’s make them pay for killing Navalny.” Graham told CBS on Sunday, claiming he had already discussed the idea with two Democratic senators.

Moscow said earlier that any effort to blacklist Russia as a state supporting terrorism would be a move “Point of no return” In relations with the United States, he called on Washington to deal with caution. US President Joe Biden also indicated his opposition to any such designation, but threatened Russia in 2021 “Serious consequences” Should Navalny die in prison?

If something happens to Navalny, you will pay the price, President Biden told Putin. “President Biden, I agree with you that the price they must pay is to make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism.” Graham said.

Graham claimed that only Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria are currently on Washington's list of state sponsors of terrorism, and a bill seeking to add Russia to the list could be introduced within a week.

However, that's it Previous attempts To push through such a failed initiative. If signed into law, the measure would cut virtually nonexistent U.S. defense and technology exports to Russia and impose additional financial restrictions on top of the existing sanctions pile. It would also revoke Russia's sovereign immunity in the eyes of Washington, allowing the families of alleged victims to be released “State sponsored” Terrorism to sue Russia in US courts.

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