
Trump lists criteria for possible vice-presidential pick — RT World News

The former US President said that his running mate must be a capable leader in an “emergency” situation.

Former US President Donald Trump, the Republican candidate most likely to face potential Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the November elections, said that his potential vice president should be able to be a good president if that happens. “emergency” Infect his potential management.

The latest poll data shows that Trump (77 years old) is far ahead of former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley in the race to secure the Republican nomination.

But with Trump so far avoiding the debate stage and the Republican field narrowed to just two candidates, many questions remain about his candidacy — including what exactly he will look for in a running mate if, as expected, he is named the Republican nominee. candidate.

“It always has to be someone who would be a good president.” Trump told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday when asked about the criteria for selecting a vice president.

“Obviously you always have to think about that, because in an emergency.” Trump added. “Things happen, right? It doesn't matter who you are, things happen. That should be number one.”

While Trump said he does not intend to choose “”a little”” The nominations of some potential contenders have been highlighted. “You know, I called [South Carolina Senator] “Tim Scott and people like Tim Scott, and I said you're a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself.” Trump told Bartiromo.

“When I saw him, he was fine. He was good, but he was very humble.” he added.

Trump also said South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem caught his attention. Noem said last summer that she would never run against Trump because she didn't think she or anyone else could beat him.

Recent media reports indicated that Trump's campaign team last year reached out to former Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to gauge his interest as a potential vice president. Kennedy, who is now running for President of the United States as an independent candidate, denied the allegation — as did Trump on Fox News on Sunday, saying the reported discussions “It never happened.”

Trump's running mate between 2017 and 2021 was former Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Their political alliance ended in harsh circumstances during the riots that broke out in January 2021 in the US Capitol, after Pence refused to comply with Trump's demands to prevent Congress from certifying the results of Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 US presidential election.

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