
Tulkarm fighters: Israel's war on Gaza inspires West Bank resistance policy

Al Jazeera’s English website said fighters from the city’s Noor Shams refugee camp Tulkarm In the north of the country, they form part of a wider phenomenon represented by the return of armed Palestinian resistance, which began in jenin camp For the refugees from more than two years ago, before they spread to nablus andJericho Tulkarm and other places.

In a report written by Zeina Al-Tahhan, the website explained that tea, coffee and assault rifles were set out on a table outside the front door of Maysa's home in the Noor Shams refugee camp, where a small group of young Palestinian fighters were present. Gathered under rows of awnings in the alley.

Mesa (40) said: “These are our children, our souls. All they want is a decent life. People all over the world, in all countries, claim to be democrats and want to live in freedom. We What about the young people? They have no choice but to follow the path of resistance.” “There is no more land. The occupation has taken over.”

Defense during an attack

In this context, the author states that the problem began with the emergence of armed groups composed of young people between 17 and 35 years old, which, despite their limited capabilities, were focused during Israeli military raids and raids on refugee camps It's defense.Israeli military checkpoint andsettlement Unlawful.

Ziad, one of the senior leaders of the Tulkarm brigade, said the names were not real to protect their identities and “we have the right to defend ourselves,” adding that Israel's ongoing war… . Gaza Strip Being under siege would only “encourage more people to join the resistance.”

Intensify raids

Over the past two years, Israel has sharply stepped up its deadly attacks in the north… bank of the west Occupation forces have killed dozens of militants in attacks on marches and targeted assassinations, severely hampering the continued presence of resistance factions, but they still have a presence in Tulkarem, particularly in the Noor Shams camp, in the city One of the two camps houses more than 34 thousand Palestinians.

Despite deadly attacks over the past two months that have killed and wounded dozens of civilians and combatants, Israeli forces have been unable to enter Nour Shams on foot because they are hampered by obstacles and numerous explosive devices.

Journalist Sami Say, a resident of Tulkarem, said: “The occupying forces thought a thousand times before entering Nour Shams. They would not enter on foot. They brought bulldozers because of the The number of explosive devices is unprecedented.”

Fighters say they have no choice but to fight Israel's military occupation (Zena Al Tahhan/Al Jazeera)
Occupying forces thought a thousand times before entering Nour Shams (Al Jazeera)

Since the army was unable to enter Nour Shams on foot and had not tried for weeks, the fighters believed an attack was imminent. “We expect them to arrive at any moment. As we sit here talking, they may come, but the fighters are ready,” Ziad said.

the only solution

Ziad and his companions believe that the past three decades of intensive Israeli military occupation and illegal settlements, as well as fruitless negotiations, mean that “armed resistance is the only solution.” He says, “What is taken by force can only be taken by force. Take it back by force.” Force. “There is nothing to be gained by being involved in negotiations,” he added.

As the website notes, popular support for the armed resistance has grown throughout the occupied West Bank over the past two years, with many of the dead becoming symbols of the resistance and thousands attending their funeral processions. Rice said: “Although insufficient in capacity, armed resistance in the West Bank is detrimental to the occupation. If we are killed, 10 more will show up.”

Pressure from Israel and the Palestinian Authority

As the author notes, in less than a year two armed resistance groups were formed in Tulkarem, while the rally in Nour Shams took place after Saif Abu Lebda (25 years) after the killing by Israeli forces in Jenin. On April 2, 2022, while paving the road, he learned from the soldiers of Jenin to form an armed resistance organization in the camp.

The website notes that one of the main factors contributing to the formation of armed resistance groups over the past two years has been the meeting of fighters from various Palestinian political factions, despite long-standing internal conflicts among party leaderships, including the Islamic Resistance Movement (agitation) and the Palestinian national liberation movement (Open) and sports (Islamic Jihad) in Palestine, andpopular front, palestine liberation front et al.

However, the ability of these groups to unite young fighters belonging to traditional armed groups makes them targets of the Israeli occupation and its occupation.Palestinian Authority It is run by the Fatah movement, which has sometimes carried out violence at funerals of fallen fighters and suppressed popular protests in the occupied West Bank on 17 October against Israeli bombings of the West Bank.Go to Ahli Hospital In Gaza.

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