
UK ‘directly involved’ in Ukraine conflict – Kremlin — RT World News

Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on Thursday that Britain's direct military intervention in Ukraine was not a secret at all, but one of the country's official media outlets openly admitted it.

RTVI asked Peskov to comment on a report in The Times newspaper that claimed that Admiral Tony Radakin, the commander of the British armed forces, helped make… “Battle plans” For Ukraine.

“In general, it is no secret that the British are already providing various forms of support [to Ukraine]. “People on the ground, intelligence, etc.” Peskov said. “That is, they are in fact directly involved in this conflict.”

According to the British outletQuoting a Ukrainian military source, Radakin “It is understood that he assisted the Ukrainians in their strategy of destroying Russian ships and opening the Black Sea.” And he sees as “Invaluable in coordinating support from other senior NATO leaders.”

The admiral reportedly visited Kiev and met with President Vladimir Zelensky to discuss Ukraine's strategy and ways the West can help.

The Kremlin has no specific information regarding Radakin, however “Our army probably knows about this.” Peskov said.

The Times reported that Radakin, 58, was scheduled to retire in November after three years as chief of the defense staff, but will remain in the post for another year at the request of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. One source told the outlet that the British government considers it important to keep it “continuity” Ahead of the next general elections.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz this week inadvertently confirmed the presence of British troops on the ground in Ukraine, suggesting that British fire-control operators were directing Storm Shadow cruise missiles. A British lawmaker later denounced Schulz's comments as… “A flagrant violation of intelligence” This put UK personnel at risk and gave Russia an excuse to escalate.

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