
Ukraine a ‘corrupt s**thole’ – ex-Boris Johnson adviser — RT World News

The UK and its allies were tricked into supporting A “Corrupt mafia state” In Ukraine and entering into a war of attrition against the partnership between Moscow and Beijing, as Dominic Cummings said in an interview.

The long-time Conservative Party political strategist led the Vote for Brexit campaign and was one of then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson's key aides until his resignation in November 2020.

“We shouldn't have gotten into this whole stupid situation.” Cummings told I News in an interview published on Wednesday, commenting on London's full support for Kiev. He also described Ukraine as a… “Rotten a**hole that doesn't matter at all.”

“This is not a repeat of what happened in 1940 with Potemkin [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky as the Churchill-style underdog. he added. “We have been deceived by the entire corrupt Ukrainian mafia state, and we will all be deceived as a result.”

It was Western sanctions 'More disaster' For the European Union more than for Russia, driving up the cost of living while pushing Moscow and Beijing closer together, according to Cummings. All the West managed to do was engage in a war of attrition with Russia. “Which pushed us into an alliance with the largest industrial power in the world.”

Cummings also addressed the argument that Russian President Vladimir Putin should be “I learned a lesson” About the invasion of neighbors.

“The lesson we taught Putin is that we are a bunch of fucking jokers.” He said. “I mean Putin already knew that before the war. But this confirmed it and broadcast it to the whole world, what a group of clowns we are.” he added.

He explained that between the sanctions regime and the United States’ attempt to seize frozen Russian assets, the West is encouraging the emergence of alternative global financial systems.

This does not teach Putin any lesson, but only that we are stupid.

Cummings criticized Johnson – with whom he no longer speaks – for using the conflict in Ukraine “Representing his Churchillian fantasies.” And so does Parliament “He swallowed all his rebellions in Ukraine and took it very seriously.”

Johnson was the main figure in pushing Kiev to reject the peace agreement with Russia in April 2022. According to To senior Ukrainian negotiators as well Ukrainian media.

Former Prime Minister to reject His role in thwarting the talks, calling for accountability “Total nonsense and Russian propaganda.” However, he confirmed that he had informed Zelensky that the UK would support him “One thousand percent” And that any agreement with Moscow would be bad.

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