
Ukraine aid must be a multi-year financial commitment for NATO – Stoltenberg — RT World News

The head of the US-led bloc has reportedly proposed a five-year plan worth $107 billion to supply weapons to Kiev

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Ukraine should be able to enjoy a stable flow of Western arms supplies in the long term rather than relying on voluntary donations.

Speaking ahead of a NATO foreign ministers' summit in Brussels on Wednesday, the bloc's head stressed that Kiev – which has repeatedly complained about shortages of ammunition and weapons – “He has urgent needs” With the warning that any delay in providing assistance will have consequences on the battlefield.

In light of this, Stoltenberg urged NATO allies to do so “Changing the dynamics of our support.” He added: “We must ensure reliable and predictable security assistance to Ukraine in the long term. So that we rely less on voluntary contributions and more on NATO commitments.” He added that these pledges must continue for at least several years. “We will also discuss a multi-year financial commitment to continue our support,” he added. The NATO chief added.

According to Reuters, to secure long-term support for Kiev, Stoltenberg proposed a package of military aid to Ukraine worth 100 billion euros ($107 billion) over five years. Under the plan, the US-led military bloc will also reportedly take on more responsibility for coordinating US aid to Kiev amid concerns that the re-election of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump could undermine the Western campaign to support Ukraine.

When asked about the details of the plan, Stoltenberg declined to go into detail, adding that he did not expect it to be fully detailed in the near future. “We hope that we will move forward towards consensus, and then we will reach an agreement by the summit.” He noted that he is in Washington this summer.

Russia has repeatedly condemned Western arms shipments to Ukraine, saying they will only prolong the conflict and that Kiev will not be able to survive without foreign support.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev confirmed on Tuesday that NATO seeks to maintain control over Ukraine in an attempt to use it as a military force. “anti-Russia” He pointed out that the European Union has been supplying Kiev with weapons since the Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2014.

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