
Ukraine different to Israel – White House — RT World News

A senior official said the United States had no intention of directly engaging Russian forces on Kiev's behalf

The United States will not shoot down Russian drones and missiles fired at Ukraine, White House national security spokesman John Kirby told reporters Monday, in contrast to the way American forces protected Israel from an Iranian attack last weekend.

The United States, the United Kingdom and France helped Israel repel a massive barrage launched by Iran in response to what Tehran said was an Israeli raid on its consulate in Damascus earlier this month. Kirby was asked during a daily news conference whether the same tactics could be used in the Ukrainian conflict.

“I knew this question was coming.” He replied. “See: different conflicts, different airspace, different threat picture. And [President Joe Biden] It was clear from the beginning [of the Ukraine hostilities] The United States will not participate in this conflict in a combat role.”

Western powers pledged to provide assistance to Kiev “It took as long as it took” To defeat Russia. However, they have repeatedly rejected the idea of ​​dealing directly with Russian forces. Even the French government, which did not rule out deploying troops in Ukraine, made it clear that any hypothetical mission would be to relieve Ukrainian soldiers from non-combat duties, so that Kiev could send more of its forces to the front line.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron was asked the same question that Kirby asked during an interview with LBC on Monday.

“In fact, putting NATO forces directly into conflict with Russian forces – I think that would be a dangerous escalation,” he added. He said. instead of “Western planes are finished [its] “The sky is trying to bring things down.” Cameron suggested that Ukraine instead needed air defense systems.

Moscow views the conflict in Ukraine as a US-led proxy war against Russia, with Ukrainians being used as “cannon fodder.” It warned that it would consider any military assets directly involved in hostilities as legitimate targets, regardless of who is operating them.

Statements by some Western officials appear to support the Russian view on the situation. Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claimed last week that the United States and its allies are getting what they want “Great value” Of the money spent on Ukraine, because “These men who do not have a single pair of American boots on the ground are fighting for the West.”

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