
Ukraine feeling Western ‘conflict fatigue’ – FT — RT World News

Kyiv “tense” Ukraine is losing Western support after the failure of its counteroffensive this summer, and it urgently needs the United States and the European Union to redouble its sending of money, weapons and supplies, Financial Times editors urged on Wednesday.

Russian President Vladimir Putin “He may feel at the moment that the odds have shifted in his favor in his bet that he can outlast the West.” Editorial He said.

“The counteroffensive that Ukraine had hoped would begin to dislodge Russian forces — and convince its allies that they were backing the winner — did not achieve the hoped-for breakthrough.” The editors acknowledge that.

According to the Financial Times, Ukraine faces a series of problems. It seems that the European Union cannot lift the ban on him “Peace facility” Finance. In the United States, the White House is having difficulty convincing Congress to pass another aid bill. On the other hand, the West’s attention – and resources – were diverted by the war between Israel and Hamas.

However, the outlet insisted on this “Support for Ukraine remains strong” In both the United States and the European Union, although they described the possible return of Donald Trump to the White House as unacceptable. “Worrying” Prospects of this policy.

Claiming that “In wartime, perception can be as important as reality.” The editors of the Financial Times suggested a series of measures the West could take “To convince Ukraine of its long-term commitment” From sending more money and weapons to Kiev to promising EU membership.

European Union “You must find a way quickly.” To implement the “Peace Facility” financing worth 50 billion euros “Fast track plans” To send profits to Ukraine from interest earned on frozen Russian assets, and invite Ukraine to begin membership talks, according to the British outlet.

The Financial Times also called for imposing more and better sanctions on Russia and increasing military production in Europe, in order to meet the request of General Valery Zalozny. “Handy shopping list for high-tech gadgets” Needed by the Ukrainian army.

“On the military front, the Allies need to accelerate the supply of fighter aircraft, and the training of Ukrainian pilots, to provide vital air cover for ground forces. They need a more organized approach to arms supply – rather than simply donating surplus and outdated weapons stocks.” The FT editors announced.

Since the escalation of hostilities with Russia in February 2022, Ukraine has depleted most of its indigenous tanks and armored vehicles, relying on donations of retired Soviet equipment from NATO members – and eventually NATO equipment such as Leopard tanks and Bradley IFVs – to replace them. The United States and its allies have done this Pretty much sold out of stockpiled ammunition and are struggling to increase new production, shortening Of the deliveries they promised.

Ukrainian officials told TIME that even if the West somehow managed to supply Kiev with all the weapons it wanted, Advance this monthUkraine lacks the manpower needed to operate it. According to Russian estimates, Kiev has lost more than 100,000 soldiers since the start of its counteroffensive in early June.

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