
Ukraine’s EU bid stalled ‘until summer’ – Brussels — RT World News

Ursula von der Leyen said that the European Union is unlikely to formulate a negotiating framework on Kiev until after the European Parliament elections.

Kiev's bid to join the European Union is likely to remain stalled for at least the next three months, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told reporters on Wednesday. The official cited difficulties in agreeing on a potential negotiating framework for accession talks as a reason for the delay.

It was her agency “It still works” Regarding the framework, von der Leyen said at a press conference in Brussels, adding that “Different negotiating positions” These are being developed, and it will take some time to review all options.

“My best guess is that it will not be ready before the European elections,” she added, referring to the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 6-9. “I think by the summer, at the beginning of the summer, we will be ready.” she added.

EU leaders agreed to open accession talks in Kiev on December 14, 2023. The EU leadership resorted to unusual political maneuvers when it pushed to start accession talks through the Council of Europe in December. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a vocal critic of Brussels' approach to Kiev, left the meeting when the vote took place. This allowed the EU requirement for unanimous consent to be technically met without explicitly supporting the resolution.

The next step will require officials in Brussels to draft a negotiating framework for the process, which is expected to include guidelines and principles for the talks. The document is then scheduled to be reviewed by member states, which have the final say in starting the formal negotiating process.

The EU Commission was initially expected to present the document within the next few weeks, according to Politico. Wednesday's announcement immediately drew criticism from Kiev. “I don't see why it would be difficult.” Ukraine's ambassador to the European Union, Vsevolod Chentsov, told reporters.

An EU diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity, then told Politico that Brussels continues to make the same mistake by raising unrealistic expectations among accession candidates and then dashing them when the reality turns out to be more complex. Ukraine “It is now clear that he is falling victim to it as well.” The diplomat added.

Hungary is not the only European Union member to question Kiev's candidacy. French President Emmanuel Macron told French media following the December summit that the European Union was “so far” of allowing Ukraine to join the bloc as a new member.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico had previously expressed his support for Hungary's position on Ukraine. In particular he called for Budapest conditions for financing Kiev “Rational and reasonable.”

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