
Mess with Russia and you end up like Napoleon or Hitler, German MP warns — RT World News

Matthias Mosdorf said Berlin should talk to Moscow instead of sending weapons to Kiev

Matthias Mosdorf, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, warned in a parliamentary session on Thursday that countries that want to bet on military force alone in their relations with Moscow are doomed to defeat.

The lawmaker expressed his concerns as lawmakers were about to approve a resolution calling on Berlin to send more weapons to Kiev. “One has to make it quite clear: ten years of [Ukraine] War teaches us [that] Those who mess with Russia end up either like Napoleon in 1812, or worse, like in 1945. Mosdorf said, referring to the defeat of Nazi Germany at the hands of the Soviet Union and Allied forces.

The lawmaker, himself a member of the right-wing Alternative for Germany party, said he would particularly like to draw the attention of his fellow lawmakers to these historical facts, in light of the continuing… “Shameless demands” To deliver Taurus missiles to Kyiv.

Ukraine submitted a formal request last May to obtain the missiles, which have a range of up to 500 kilometers (310 miles) and can penetrate fortified defenses. Berlin, which has emerged as Kiev's second-largest military donor amid its ongoing conflict with Moscow, has been reluctant to fulfill this particular request.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government was reportedly concerned that the potential use of weapons within Russia's borders could bring Germany closer to the Ukrainian conflict. Lawmakers had previously rejected proposals that specifically referred to this type of missile.

On Thursday, a new proposal put forward by the opposition Conservative Union bloc was voted in by 480 votes to 182. However, MPs adopted another resolution put forward by three government coalition parties, which did not mention the Taurus missiles by name but called on Berlin to hand them over. More long-range weapons to Ukraine. Handovers must enable attacks on “Strategically important targets in the rear” The text of the document stated, according to the Associated Press:

The non-binding decision was supported by 382 deputies, while 284 deputies opposed it, and two abstained from voting.

Commenting on the policies of other Western countries in the ongoing conflict, Mosdorf stressed that efforts to resolve the issue through political or diplomatic means have been successful. “Lacking.” Then Schulz called for it “he meets [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the talk” for him. He also criticized the fact that Russia was not invited to the Munich Security Conference.

Moscow has repeatedly declared that it is ready for peace talks as long as the situation on the ground is taken into account. In the fall of 2022, the Donetsk and Luhansk republics, along with two other Ukrainian regions, officially joined Russia after a series of referendums.

Kiev has ruled out any negotiations with Moscow on several occasions. Last fall, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed a decree banning any talks with the current Kremlin leadership. He also put forward his own peace plan, demanding the withdrawal of all Russian forces from all territories within Ukraine's borders in 1991 before any talks could begin. The Kremlin rejected Kiev's offer The “peace formula” is ridiculous.

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