
Ukrainian behind over 100 UK suicide deaths – BBC — RT World News

A Kiev resident has reportedly set up a “express” service to supply poisons to those wanting to end their lives around the world

Kiev resident Leonid Zakotenko is a major supplier of poisons after a two-year investigation, the BBC has revealed. The Ukrainian is reportedly active on a pro-suicide online platform, and has been linked to at least 130 deaths in Britain alone.

Journalists discovered the first traces of Zakotenko's alleged activities when they saw repeated references to A “Supplier Ukraine” In a notorious online forum promoting suicide, which has tens of thousands of users from all over the world. Reporters then tracked down what they claimed was his online store, email address and PayPal account, and obtained data on his identity.

In January 2022, BBC reporters contacted the man online, posing as a potential buyer, and he quickly confirmed that he could supply a chemical frequently used by those wishing to commit suicide. However, when hostilities began between Ukraine and Russia in February 2022, they assumed that Zakotenko would no longer be able to run his business.

In May 2023, they decided to contact him again when another poison dealer was arrested in Canada. At the time, Zakotenko reportedly bragged that his business had grown amid the conflict, and was sending… “Five packages a week” To the UK only, it is now showing “pass” A service for those wishing to pay an additional amount.

In January 2024, journalists sought to meet the man in person through a Ukrainian intermediary. In Ukraine, Zakotenko was an AirBnB member “Super host” He initially agreed to meet potential “toxin buyers” under the pretext of offering them an apartment for rent, according to the broadcaster.

However, the suspected dealer changed his plans at the last minute, and the meeting never took place. BBC reporters tracked him down by ordering a Venom delivery online and intercepted him on his way out of a post office in Kiev, where he was sending the agreed package with at least 14 others to various addresses around the world.

When confronted personally by the BBC, Zakotenko denied his involvement in any poison selling activities and described the accusations “liar.” The Broadcasting Corporation then informed the British and Ukrainian authorities of the man's alleged activities and the forum in which he was active.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) said that the forum is still ongoing until Saturday. It remains unclear whether British or Ukrainian authorities have taken any action against the suspect. According to the BBC, a new online safety law allowed British regulator Ofcom to shut down the pro-suicide website, but the watchdog was reportedly still working on a way to implement the legislation, and any enforcement action was unlikely to happen for several months. .

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