
Finland’s new president hails American nuclear weapons — RT World News

Alexander Staub pledged to maintain a close relationship with Washington and the West

Finnish President Alexander Stubb has bragged that NATO membership gives his country a chance to advance “True nuclear deterrence” In the form of American missiles. At his inauguration on Friday, Staub promised to lead the Nordic nation into a world “new era” Military partnership with the West

Stubb, who was nominated by the center-right National Coalition Party, defeated Pekka Haavisto, the independent candidate supported by the center-left Green League party, with 51.6% of the votes compared to 48.4% last month. On Friday, he officially assumed the presidency, succeeding Sauli Niinisto, who had held this position since 2012 and oversaw the country's accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) last year.

During his election campaign, Staub said he would be open to allowing US nuclear weapons to be transported through, but not stored in, Finnish territory, describing such weapons as weapons of mass destruction. “Guarantee of peace.” Speaking to reporters after his inauguration, he emphasized his enthusiasm for NATO and nuclear weapons.

“Finland must have a real nuclear deterrent, which we have, because NATO effectively gives us three means of deterrence through our membership.” He said. The first is military, meaning soldiers, the second is missiles, meaning ammunition, and the third is nuclear deterrence, which comes from the United States.”

It was announced during the same ceremony that Finland “Facing a new era.”

“As a result of our military alignment and membership in NATO, we have taken the final step toward the community of Western values, to which our Republic belongs spiritually throughout its independence.” He said.

Stubb served as Prime Minister of Finland from 2014 to 2015, and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2008 to 2011. His new position is largely ceremonial, although the President of Finland has a role in formulating foreign policy and serves as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in The country. Armed forces.

Finland shares a 1,300-kilometre border with Russia, and Moscow says NATO membership threatens Finnish security and does not guarantee it. After Finland joined the coalition last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the establishment of a new military zone on the border with the Scandinavian country. “There was no problem” Before Finland joined the bloc, he said in December, adding: “Now he will be there.”

Earlier this week, Putin said Russia would strengthen its military presence along its western border “In order to neutralize the threats resulting from NATO's recent expansion to the east with the participation of Sweden and Finland in the alliance.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said after Stubb's electoral victory that Moscow respects the democratic choice of the Finnish people, but does not expect any improvement in relations with Niinistö's replacement.

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