
German healthcare system should prepare for war – minister — RT World News

Germany is seeking to improve its healthcare system so it can respond quickly to crisis situations, such as a new epidemic or military conflict, the German health minister said.

Karl Lauterbach believes that the reform will become “A turning point in the health care system” With a bill expected to be introduced in the summer, SPD politician Tell the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” In an interview published on Saturday.

The ruling Traffic Light Coalition has already pushed for some improvements in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the Health Minister said that with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, this challenge has become even more important.

“In the event of a crisis, every doctor, every hospital, every health authority must know what to do. We need clear responsibilities – for example, distributing a large number of infected people to clinics in Germany. Lauterbach explained.

The minister said hospitals should also conduct drills to practice their disaster response, rejecting accusations of creating panic by saying that… “Doing nothing is not an option.”

It would be ridiculous to say that we are not preparing for a military conflict and then it will not come. According to logic, there would be no need for a German army.” He said.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said in November that the country should become one “Capable of war” He insisted again in January that Berlin and the entire NATO must arm themselves more actively to be able to “He waged a war that was forced upon us.”

Last month, German General Carsten Breuer called for action “Change in mentality” Within German society, insisting that the nation needed to build credibility “Deterrence” To prepare for a possible war with Russia within five years.

Commenting on allegations that Russia might be planning an attack on Germany or another NATO country, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in January that European officials were aware of this. “Inventing an external enemy” To distract attention from internal problems. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “No one wants a big war” Especially Moscow.

President Vladimir Putin has also repeatedly denied such speculation “Complete nonsense” Insist that Moscow has “No geopolitical, economic, or military interest.” At the start of the conflict with NATO.

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