
UN: Israel blocks aid from entering northern Gaza


sorry United Nations Yesterday, Thursday, as the Israeli occupation authorities erected obstacles to the delivery of humanitarian aid to the northern Gaza Strip GazaPoint out that every delay costs more lives.

Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, said: “Our humanitarian colleagues tell us that between January 1 and 10, only three of the 21 humanitarian aid shipments were available for delivery, including Food, medicine, water and other vital supplies. Sent to the north.” Wadi Gaza.

Dujarric regretted that “the United Nations’ ability to respond to the overwhelming needs in northern Gaza is hampered by repeated refusals to provide assistance and a lack of coordination by the Israeli authorities regarding security access.”

These denials and restrictions on entry (aid) paralyze the ability of humanitarian actors to respond purposefully, consistently and when necessary, he added, noting that the approval rate for aid entry requests was “significantly higher” compared with December last year. deteriorating.”

“Every day we are unable to deliver aid results in the death and suffering of thousands of people in northern Gaza,” Dujarric stressed.

medical equipment and water

Dujarric confirmed that the shipments, which included medical equipment, fuel, water and sanitation facilities, were destined for Gaza City and its north, but were rejected by Israeli authorities.

Since October 7, Israel has continued to close the crossing points between the Gaza Strip and the outside world, while the Rafah crossing point has been partially opened to allow the entry of limited aid supplies and the exit of some sick and wounded people and multiple foreign passport holders.

On November 24, Israel allowed a limited amount of humanitarian aid to pass through Rafah CrossingThat comes amid a week-long truce between Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza and Israel, mediated by Qatar, Egypt and the United States, including a prisoner exchange deal.

According to the authorities in the Gaza Strip and the United Nations, the Israeli occupation forces' 98-day invasion of Gaza resulted in 23,469 martyrs, 59,604 injured (mostly children and women) and massive destruction of infrastructure. , causing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

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