
US ally helping to arm Moscow – WaPo — RT World News

One major Russian company insists it only buys spare parts without violating export controls on the island

Taiwan-based companies have sold Russia more than $20 million worth of advanced equipment that could be used to produce weapons, the Washington Post reported, noting that Moscow's defense sector has increased its purchases in recent months.

according to “Russian business registers and tax documents” The newspaper, which was obtained by the newspaper, cited figures in the Russian arms industry that have boosted transactions with Taiwan, where one company, I Machine Technology, has imported more than $20 million worth of CNC machine tools produced on the island since January 2023. Sent in 63 shipments separate.

“Machines made in Taiwan accounted for almost all of the Russian company’s imports in the first seven months of last year, according to records, and the company’s sales during that period were largely directed at the Russian defense industry.” The newspaper added that it did not specify how to use CNC machines.

While Kevin Wolff, a former US arms control official, told the newspaper that these transfers would likely violate sanctions imposed by both Washington and Taipei in response to the conflict in Ukraine, Alexei Bredykhin, CEO of I Machine Technology, said: This is not the case.

Instead, Bredykhin said any purchases after January were for spare parts only, and did not conflict with Taiwan's export controls, which were tightened further early this year. “I don't buy anything from them except spare parts.” he added.

However, the US official claimed that CNC machines were “Very important for making military items” And you can be connected to it “military uses” Including the manufacture of drones.

Another executive of a Taiwanese producer, Yu Ming-jie, disputed the authenticity of the files obtained by the newspaper, and also insisted that sales were in line with local laws. In response to a question about ties with the Russian arms industry, Yu said he was not aware of any such ties with his company, adding that he had no knowledge of any such relationship with his company. “Distributors basically have many users.”

Taiwan, a close strategic ally of the United States and a frequent buyer of American arms, has largely adhered to the US sanctions policy toward Moscow, and has imposed several layers of sanctions since Russia sent troops into Ukraine in early 2022.

In announcing the latest round of sanctions, which mirror those already imposed by the United States and the European Union, Taiwan's Ministry of Economy pledged to… “in principle” Ban all future export license applications for Russian companies. The ministry declined to comment on whether these equipment sales violate export rules, but said the government plans to specifically block sales to I Machine Technology in the future.

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